| Description | solved | Rating
 | Double Dutch Sudoku Advent (18) - Outside vs. Clocks by Eisbär (solved on 20. March 2020, 22:32) | 117 |  89 %
 | Double Dutch Sudoku Advent (20) - 1~7 vs. Slot Machine by Eisbär (solved on 20. March 2020, 22:32) | 110 |  89 %
 | Double Dutch Sudoku Advent (24) - Palindrome vs. Rossini by Eisbär (solved on 20. March 2020, 22:32) | 105 |  94 %
 | Double Dutch Sudoku Advent (22) - Consecutive vs. Coast to Coast by Eisbär (solved on 20. March 2020, 22:31) | 105 |  91 %
 | WPC-Leftovers: Masyu-Flotte by lupo (solved on 15. January 2020, 08:36) | 52 |  95 %
 | WPC-Leftovers: Moglis Schlange by lupo (solved on 15. January 2020, 08:35) | 44 |  92 %
 | Buchstabensalat (WPC 2019 Leftover) by uvo (solved on 15. January 2020, 08:25) | 89 |  89 %
 | Hakyuu (WPC 2019 Leftover) by uvo (solved on 15. January 2020, 08:24) | 90 |  88 %
 | Alles Gute zum Geburtstag by r45 (solved on 4. January 2020, 19:52) | 56 |  94 %
 | Schlange (Leftover WPF Puzzle GP) by r45 (solved on 4. January 2020, 19:51) | 60 |  84 %
 | Quali 2017 - Leftover: Schlangennest by r45 (solved on 4. January 2020, 19:51) | 52 |  88 %
 | Quali 2017 - Leftover: Chatroom by r45 (solved on 4. January 2020, 19:50) | 32 |  85 %
 | Sudoku Variants Series (186) - Sudoku and Dragons by Richard (solved on 4. January 2020, 19:48) | 106 |  88 %
 | Sudoku Variants Series (189) - Distance Sudoku by Richard (solved on 4. January 2020, 19:45) | 109 |  89 %
 | 6*6 Odd/Even Arrow Sudoku in 2019 China Sudoku City League, O18 Group by WiseCat (solved on 4. January 2020, 19:42) | 76 |  82 %
 | Mathrax 1 (WPC 2019 Leftover) by uvo (solved on 26. December 2019, 22:04) | 83 |  84 %
 | March Pentomino Month (2) - Pentopia by Richard (solved on 26. December 2019, 21:14) | 106 |  93 %
 | March Pentomino Month (1) - Mini pento loops – outside knapp daneben by Richard (solved on 26. December 2019, 21:13) | 66 |  93 %
 | Sudoku Variants Series (250) - Sudoku X is still alive by Richard (solved on 26. December 2019, 21:11) | 114 |  94 %
 | Sudoku Variants Series (251) - Sum by X Sudoku by Richard (solved on 26. December 2019, 21:10) | 126 |  93 %