| Description | solved | Rating
 | Foggy Outside by Flinty (solved on 21. November 2023, 12:52) | 806 |  92 %
 | Spot The Killer (Fog) by Flinty (solved on 21. November 2023, 12:28) | 1010 |  92 %
 | Sudoku by parachute (solved on 6. September 2023, 08:11) | 175 |  70 %
 | 36 Hours to Thermometer by Dr Sudoku (solved on 6. September 2023, 08:00) | 432 |  79 %
 | Kakuro Plus by CJK (solved on 22. May 2023, 13:00) | 83 |  83 %
 | Classic Sudoku - Quadcore by Phistomefel (solved on 22. May 2023, 12:05) | 133 |  77 %
 | Dead Space (Entropy Killer) by Mad-Tyas (solved on 22. May 2023, 11:40) | 107 |  95 %
 | My Little Killer by patrick (solved on 22. May 2023, 08:08) | 77 |  90 %
 | Winged Dart (Classic Sudoku) by Piatato (solved on 22. May 2023, 07:41) | 115 |  88 %
 | Is it even two strange? by Kirra (solved on 22. May 2023, 07:15) | 191 |  77 %
 | I don't know how hard this is D: by LoverOfPi (solved on 22. May 2023, 06:42) | 139 |  84 %
 | 4x6x6 Kombi Experiment Nr. 14 by DocLogic (solved on 15. May 2023, 10:17) | 66 |  91 %
 | Nanotube Material by Will Power (solved on 15. May 2023, 09:07) | 207 |  93 %
 | 4x6x6 Kombi Experiment Nr. 15 by DocLogic (solved on 15. May 2023, 08:28) | 65 |  90 %
 | LM Vorrunde 2018 Vorschau: Doppelblock by rob (solved on 15. May 2023, 07:36) | 126 |  86 %
 | Watch Your Pairs by Julia S (solved on 15. May 2023, 06:49) | 158 |  70 %
 | One step at a time (Killer sudoku) by sujoyku (solved on 15. May 2023, 06:41) | 266 |  94 %
 | Zig Zag: Classic by Tingo (solved on 15. May 2023, 05:55) | 408 |  81 %
 | R2-D2 by Ceedrich (solved on 15. May 2023, 05:44) | 222 |  89 %
 | Lumos Maxima by chameleon (solved on 7. May 2023, 09:11) | 539 |  95 %