| Description | solved | Rating
 | Seeing Doubles Sudoku by JWWJ2525 (solved on 16. April 2021, 07:55) | 11 |  N/A
 | 9-cage Killer Sudoku by Timwi (solved on 14. April 2021, 05:57) | 142 |  86 %
 | Ornaments by Konzert (solved on 13. April 2021, 06:37) | 47 |  89 %
 | Heat Death (Thermo Killer) by LucyAudrin (solved on 13. April 2021, 05:56) | 59 |  94 %
 | Tic Tac Toe by DragonKitty (solved on 12. April 2021, 02:20) | 86 |  77 %
 | The House of Black and White by twototenth (solved on 11. April 2021, 23:34) | 22 |  90 %
 | Dancing Koala by Wuffel (solved on 11. April 2021, 22:59) | 134 |  82 %
 | Pointing Octuple by Aaronomys (solved on 11. April 2021, 19:40) | 93 |  82 %
 | Arrow Sudoku by ICHTUES (solved on 11. April 2021, 06:45) | 93 |  94 %
 | Apollo's arrow by Joseph nehme (solved on 10. April 2021, 20:23) | 74 |  89 %
 | Killer Sudoku by Cane_Puzzles (solved on 9. April 2021, 06:07) | 23 |  92 %
 | Caged Arrows Sudoku by Vyse (solved on 7. April 2021, 18:05) | 91 |  89 %
 | PP Thermo by GJMale (solved on 6. April 2021, 16:54) | 86 |  81 %
 | Red Herring? (Killer Palindrome Sudoku) by JonnyKaufman (solved on 6. April 2021, 05:46) | 24 |  89 %
 | Hubble Deep Field Sudoku by Azireo (solved on 5. April 2021, 06:37) | 104 |  92 %
 | Arrows with Benefits by TheRiddler (solved on 4. April 2021, 19:00) | 18 |  92 %
 | Killer Arrows by ICHTUES (solved on 4. April 2021, 06:51) | 31 |  89 %
 | Triple Cross by GJMale (solved on 4. April 2021, 02:31) | 76 |  88 %
 | Rorschach Test (Kropki pairs) by BMEP (solved on 3. April 2021, 07:48) | 231 |  83 %
 | Reverse Pinwheel by XeonRisq (solved on 3. April 2021, 07:40) | 39 |  88 %