| Description | solved | Rating
 | Psycho Killer 03 by Bremster (solved on 29. August 2022, 06:59) | 35 |  96 %
 | Colour to the Nines by PjotrV (solved on 29. August 2022, 06:57) | 95 |  96 %
 | Clone Pairs by thoughtbyte (solved on 22. August 2022, 14:52) | 143 |  86 %
 | Stitched Rainbow by thoughtbyte (solved on 22. August 2022, 14:10) | 758 |  95 %
 | Color Me Stoked by martinkjlarsson (solved on 22. August 2022, 00:18) | 7 |  N/A
 | Man Dancing in the Corner by Chefofdeath (solved on 21. August 2022, 05:21) | 112 |  94 %
 | 159 Longbows (Irregular 159, Arrows) by Chilly (solved on 21. August 2022, 05:20) | 54 |  94 %
 | Say Cheese! (Whisper XV) by tallcat (solved on 21. August 2022, 05:18) | 196 |  92 %
 | Seventeen by Blobz (solved on 21. August 2022, 05:16) | 112 |  94 %
 | Dioscuri by jwsinclair (solved on 21. August 2022, 05:15) | 63 |  92 %
 | Target Practice by zetamath (solved on 21. August 2022, 05:12) | 277 |  97 %
 | Roll Out the Red Carpets by Arlo Lipof (solved on 21. August 2022, 05:10) | 676 |  93 %
 | Dotting the I(ndice)s by SSG (solved on 21. August 2022, 05:05) | 34 |  93 %
 | Ei8teen by Joseph nehme (solved on 18. August 2022, 13:42) | 63 |  99 %
 | Duality (Region sum thermos) by riffclown (solved on 18. August 2022, 13:38) | 118 |  91 %
 | Woof! by zegres (solved on 11. August 2022, 03:51) | 75 |  97 %
 | This Sums to 11 by Blobz (solved on 10. August 2022, 15:21) | 229 |  97 %
 | Colorado 6 by Florian Wortmann (solved on 3. August 2022, 14:12) | 169 |  95 %
 | Two Streams by mathpesto (solved on 30. July 2022, 03:17) | 99 |  93 %
 | Pierced by Joseph nehme (solved on 30. July 2022, 03:12) | 57 |  90 %