| Description | solved | Rating
 | TRICKY - Buchstabenrätsel / Letter Puzzle by DocLogic (solved on 18. April 2024, 22:32) | 30 |  97 %
 | Dual U-Bahn by Paletron (solved on 15. April 2024, 18:06) | 23 |  100 %
 | SUDOKU SUDOKU by DocLogic (solved on 7. April 2024, 11:51) | 114 |  91 %
 | Japanese Sums #6: Volatility by Myxo (solved on 7. April 2024, 11:50) | 35 |  100 %
 | GP24 Leftover: Japanische Summen + Magnetplatten by ibag (solved on 7. April 2024, 11:50) | 35 |  99 %
 | LABYRINTH - überlappendes Buchstabenrätsel by DocLogic (solved on 7. April 2024, 11:50) | 22 |  95 %
 | HAPPY 44 by DocLogic (solved on 7. April 2024, 11:49) | 154 |  93 %
 | Ring of hell ( Akari ) by Senip (solved on 7. April 2024, 11:49) | 37 |  90 %
 | Dutch Quali 24 appetizer: Pentapa by Richard (solved on 2. March 2024, 14:22) | 65 |  96 %
 | MAERZ APRIL MAI - Buchstabenrätsel / Letter Puzzle by DocLogic (solved on 2. March 2024, 13:56) | 30 |  97 %
 | To infinity... [Toroïdal U-Bahn] by Christounet (solved on 8. February 2024, 22:22) | 34 |  98 %
 | 4x6x6 Kombi Experiment Nr. 18 by DocLogic (solved on 6. February 2024, 17:43) | 69 |  96 %
 | Starship ( Akari ) by Senip (solved on 14. January 2024, 13:29) | 26 |  92 %
 | TEQUILA - Buchstabenrätsel / Letter Puzzle by DocLogic (solved on 14. January 2024, 13:28) | 29 |  98 %
 | BRIEFUMSCHLAG - Buchstabenrätsel / Letter Puzzle by DocLogic (solved on 8. January 2024, 16:23) | 27 |  96 %
 | Killer Konsecutive Konnection by shinggaming (solved on 8. January 2024, 16:22) | 22 |  95 %
 | Doppler Effect (Roller Coaster) by Agent (solved on 8. January 2024, 16:22) | 40 |  98 %
 | Beehive [Hexagonal Akari RGB] by wisty (solved on 29. December 2023, 20:07) | 17 |  96 %
 | Adventskalender 2023, Türchen 23 - Alternierendes Masyu by Zzzyxas (solved on 29. December 2023, 19:09) | 93 |  93 %
 | Adventskalender 2023, Türchen 9 - Glashochhäuser by Zzzyxas (solved on 29. December 2023, 19:06) | 46 |  99 %