| Description | solved | Rating
 | Sudoku Variants Series (013) - Palindrome Sudoku by Richard (solved on 11. January 2016, 19:05) | 263 |  86 %
 | Sudoku Variants Series (001) - Odd Sudoku by Richard (solved on 4. March 2014, 21:59) | 472 |  80 %
 | Sudoku Variants Series (006) - Consecutive Sudoku by Richard (solved on 4. March 2014, 20:52) | 337 |  90 %
 | Sudoku Variants Series (012) - Arrow Sudoku by Richard (solved on 4. March 2014, 20:13) | 265 |  86 %
 | Sudoku Variants Series (009) - Next to nine Sudoku by Richard (solved on 4. March 2014, 19:49) | 372 |  91 %
 | 24 Ways to survive a Dutch Advent (8): Next to nine Sudoku by Richard (solved on 4. March 2014, 17:07) | 172 |  87 %
 | LMI-Überbleibsel 7a - Minimax Sudoku by Richard (solved on 8. February 2013, 07:45) | 135 |  91 %
 | September 2358 Monat (3) - Sudoku I by Richard (solved on 13. December 2012, 07:31) | 107 |  91 %
 | 24 Ways to survive a Dutch Advent (1): Thermometer Sudoku by Eisbär (solved on 12. December 2012, 21:42) | 148 |  88 %
 | Teamwettbewerb 2011: Gebietssummen (Runde 2, Blatt 1, Rätsel 3) by berni (solved on 9. December 2012, 19:48) | 285 |  76 %
 | 1, 2, 3, Fillomino by pwahs (solved on 19. April 2012, 17:28) | 232 |  86 %
 | Masyu-Rundweg by Calavera (solved on 19. April 2012, 12:24) | 256 |  91 %
 | X Sudoku with Renban groups by Luigi (solved on 28. February 2012, 19:57) | 122 |  81 %
 | Teamwettbewerb 2011: Japanische Summen (Runde 2, Blatt 1, Rätsel 1) by berni (solved on 26. April 2011, 16:54) | 126 |  84 %
 | Japanische Summen für Anfänger (3) by Susie (solved on 23. March 2011, 08:30) | 365 |  81 %
 | Japanische Summen für Anfänger (2) by Susie (solved on 23. March 2011, 08:14) | 389 |  79 %
 | Japanische Summen für Anfänger (1) by Susie (solved on 23. March 2011, 08:05) | 473 |  77 %
 | Four Snails by relzzup (solved on 8. February 2011, 07:29) | 354 |  64 %
 | Zeltplatz by RobertBe (solved on 22. December 2010, 15:09) | 243 |  72 %
 | ABC Raetsel by RobertBe (solved on 22. December 2010, 14:39) | 201 |  73 %