| Description | solved | Rating
 | Limited choice (Killer sudoku) by sujoyku (solved on 7. April 2023, 17:04) | 139 |  94 %
 | Overheating [Thermo Deconstruction] by Christounet (solved on 1. April 2023, 16:46) | 153 |  95 %
 | Introduction to mountain sudoku by Nylimb (solved on 11. March 2023, 12:26) | 43 |  97 %
 | Pillboxes by Allagem (solved on 11. March 2023, 10:16) | 109 |  97 %
 | Mountain view sudoku by Nylimb (solved on 10. March 2023, 17:39) | 58 |  96 %
 | Dutch Quali 23 appetizer: Numbered Rooms by Richard (solved on 10. March 2023, 16:51) | 208 |  96 %
 | Paso Doble by troptot (solved on 10. March 2023, 16:39) | 86 |  96 %
 | First day at the gym by ademjaz (solved on 7. March 2023, 19:48) | 192 |  98 %
 | Unpredictable Housing Conditions by rockratzero (solved on 7. March 2023, 19:21) | 137 |  97 %
 | Regioned Cages by PjotrV (solved on 18. February 2023, 11:56) | 119 |  95 %
 | Grand Prix by Blobz (solved on 13. February 2023, 22:18) | 367 |  97 %
 | 1.21 Gigawatts ! by Christounet (solved on 7. February 2023, 11:47) | 114 |  95 %
 | Tendrils by PulverizingPancake (solved on 14. January 2023, 17:16) | 123 |  96 %
 | Samurai Sandwiches by mathpesto (solved on 29. December 2022, 16:06) | 64 |  95 %
 | Chaos This Way by rysmyth240 (solved on 26. December 2022, 22:31) | 97 |  98 %
 | Chaos and Order by Raumplaner (solved on 26. December 2022, 14:02) | 57 |  93 %
 | Austin by ICHTUES (solved on 25. December 2022, 19:52) | 112 |  96 %
 | Chaotic snakes by randall (solved on 25. December 2022, 19:26) | 85 |  93 %
 | Linear Thinking by jwsinclair (solved on 25. December 2022, 01:11) | 170 |  93 %
 | Lancelot by Perladel (solved on 22. December 2022, 16:05) | 79 |  96 %