| Description | solved | Rating
 | Heyawake Sudoku by rockratzero (solved on 25. May 2023, 23:09) | 70 |  93 %
 | Magnets by ademjaz (solved on 25. May 2023, 22:32) | 16 |  92 %
 | Blackjack (Killer Renban) by Dag H (solved on 7. May 2023, 13:39) | 110 |  96 %
 | I Fell Down The Waterfall by LittleNightmaresLady (solved on 7. May 2023, 13:36) | 22 |  92 %
 | Big Mac by ademjaz (solved on 7. May 2023, 13:15) | 28 |  96 %
 | Double or Nothing (Arrow X) by tallcat (solved on 7. May 2023, 13:07) | 167 |  93 %
 | Overheating [Thermo Deconstruction] by Christounet (solved on 7. May 2023, 12:51) | 153 |  95 %
 | Sandwich Box by ademjaz (solved on 7. February 2023, 22:52) | 19 |  97 %
 | Hurricanes by Nai Night (solved on 7. February 2023, 15:27) | 86 |  92 %
 | Long Range by Migu (solved on 6. February 2023, 21:29) | 25 |  88 %
 | 1.21 Gigawatts ! by Christounet (solved on 6. February 2023, 21:15) | 114 |  95 %
 | The 6x6 white square by ademjaz (solved on 6. February 2023, 20:49) | 31 |  95 %
 | Claws by ademjaz (solved on 26. January 2023, 11:06) | 115 |  96 %
 | Elevators Prison by Perladel (solved on 22. January 2023, 19:38) | 28 |  95 %
 | 9-steps Tutorial: Sandwich by Azireo (solved on 21. January 2023, 22:49) | 254 |  88 %
 | The blue square by ademjaz (solved on 21. January 2023, 22:38) | 39 |  97 %
 | Captain Tsubasa Twin Shot by ademjaz (solved on 13. January 2023, 10:59) | 18 |  83 %
 | Vide (Renban XV) by tallcat (solved on 4. January 2023, 17:08) | 349 |  96 %
 | XVK Region Sum Lines by PDN777 (solved on 3. January 2023, 16:32) | 466 |  93 %
 | Min Max Arrow / Min Max Pfeil by PDN777 (solved on 3. January 2023, 12:06) | 183 |  91 %