| Description | solved | Rating
 | Tapa Rundweg - Tapa Loop by Calavera (solved on 7. November 2013, 13:30) | 123 |  96 %
 | Gerade Ungerade Koralle by tuace (solved on 7. November 2013, 13:30) | 61 |  93 %
 | 24 Ways to survive a Dutch Advent (22): Rhombus Sudoku by Richard (solved on 23. October 2013, 15:19) | 102 |  84 %
 | 24 Ways to survive a Dutch Advent (21): City construction Sudoku by Eisbär (solved on 23. October 2013, 15:18) | 105 |  87 %
 | Domino 2 by Richard (solved on 23. October 2013, 15:17) | 100 |  86 %
 | Ungarisches Tapa by Realshaggy (solved on 22. October 2013, 13:12) | 118 |  95 %
 | Chaos Renban Sudoku by Richard (solved on 22. October 2013, 13:09) | 100 |  88 %
 | Non Consecutive Killer Sudoku by Richard (solved on 22. October 2013, 13:08) | 129 |  93 %
 | Kropki Sudoku by Richard (solved on 22. October 2013, 13:08) | 136 |  87 %
 | Liga-Überbleibsel: Schlangenrätsel by berni (solved on 22. October 2013, 13:07) | 113 |  79 %
 | Orthogonal Summen Sudoku by julius64 (solved on 22. October 2013, 13:05) | 77 |  79 %
 | Consecutive Killer Sudoku by Richard (solved on 22. October 2013, 13:04) | 104 |  90 %
 | Renban Killer by Richard (solved on 3. October 2013, 14:29) | 103 |  94 %
 | Chaos Sudoku with Renban Groups by zhergan (solved on 3. October 2013, 14:27) | 54 |  76 %
 | Back to Basics: Killer Sudoku (B) by Richard (solved on 3. October 2013, 14:26) | 100 |  92 %
 | Back to Basics: Chaos Sudoku (A) by Richard (solved on 3. October 2013, 14:26) | 100 |  88 %
 | Back to Basics: Chaos Sudoku (C) by Richard (solved on 3. October 2013, 14:25) | 86 |  87 %
 | Japanische Koralle by ibag (solved on 3. October 2013, 14:24) | 93 |  98 %
 | Chaos Windoku IV by Richard (solved on 3. October 2013, 14:23) | 82 |  90 %
 | Japanische Summen auf Antimagneten(2) by r45 (solved on 3. October 2013, 14:23) | 63 |  99 %