| Description | solved | Rating
 | Lilypad Series #2 - 3 Little Pads by Mikemerin (solved on 19. October 2022, 06:02) | 55 |  84 %
 | Just a Sunday Warmup by Emphyrio (solved on 10. October 2022, 23:10) | 235 |  87 %
 | Happy 58th by Blobz (solved on 25. June 2022, 05:23) | 113 |  92 %
 | Seven Quads for Seven Corners by mith (solved on 24. June 2022, 23:58) | 532 |  91 %
 | This Is Sparta by Chefofdeath (solved on 14. June 2022, 05:27) | 118 |  73 %
 | Stitched Rainbow V by thoughtbyte (solved on 14. June 2022, 04:53) | 133 |  89 %
 | Haus Romer, Frankfurt by Will Power (solved on 21. May 2022, 06:46) | 246 |  88 %
 | Aibohphobia by mith (solved on 17. May 2022, 23:42) | 171 |  81 %
 | Railcars by AnalyticalNinja (solved on 17. May 2022, 21:11) | 146 |  93 %
 | Honeymoon by djorr (solved on 6. May 2022, 05:59) | 79 |  87 %
 | AT-AT by Florian Wortmann (solved on 5. May 2022, 05:40) | 384 |  91 %
 | Hidden 22 by FKlauser (solved on 2. May 2022, 07:15) | 598 |  91 %
 | If Ancient Romans Had Zeros by Anticommutator (solved on 2. May 2022, 06:24) | 246 |  84 %
 | SC8 - XV Pairs by kuraban (solved on 22. April 2022, 05:43) | 170 |  90 %
 | A Knight's Picnic by troptot (solved on 12. April 2022, 22:10) | 108 |  82 %
 | BINGO! AKA The Colors of Magic by Wuschel (solved on 12. April 2022, 05:18) | 198 |  82 %
 | Monster by wildhound007 (solved on 12. April 2022, 02:30) | 88 |  90 %
 | Bricks by EricRathbun (solved on 31. March 2022, 05:19) | 169 |  78 %
 | Signpost Sudoku Snack by purpl (solved on 9. March 2022, 00:30) | 28 |  85 %
 | Entropki by Mad-Tyas (solved on 7. February 2022, 18:56) | 157 |  94 %