| Description | solved | Rating
 | Foggy Whisper Loop by yttrio (solved on 17. July 2023, 16:37) | 291 |  95 %
 | Pluto (Dwarf Planet) by Blobz (solved on 14. July 2023, 17:07) | 953 |  80 %
 | Absolute GAS by FullDeck-Missing (solved on 13. July 2023, 06:49) | 1154 |  76 %
 | Bad Wiring Diagram by Tingo (solved on 15. June 2023, 00:23) | 787 |  93 %
 | Restricted Skylines by FullDeck-Missing (solved on 3. June 2023, 20:23) | 145 |  93 %
 | Box Twist by FullDeck-Missing (solved on 1. June 2023, 20:24) | 625 |  90 %
 | Yajilin - Gather by athin (solved on 29. April 2023, 13:11) | 85 |  84 %
 | Clone Lines / Linien Klonen by Ryx (solved on 26. April 2023, 14:01) | 370 |  91 %
 | Sudokusaurus by Scojo (solved on 21. April 2023, 08:05) | 413 |  91 %
 | A Trail of Bread Crumbs by Abdul the Killer (solved on 14. April 2023, 07:45) | 60 |  88 %
 | Blackout by Jay Dyer (solved on 11. April 2023, 19:18) | 201 |  94 %
 | Nuclear Fission (Kernspaltung) by Will Power (solved on 8. April 2023, 10:57) | 541 |  91 %
 | Entropic Tree by Dathan (solved on 7. April 2023, 23:33) | 631 |  93 %
 | Treasure Map by Jay Dyer (solved on 3. April 2023, 21:53) | 560 |  94 %
 | ♫ I'm a poor, lonesome arrow... ♫ by Phistomefel (solved on 1. April 2023, 10:14) | 686 |  95 %
 | I'm open for title suggestions by Goofy (solved on 29. March 2023, 21:19) | 337 |  89 %
 | Walk in the Mist by djorr (solved on 28. March 2023, 22:00) | 949 |  92 %
 | Dude, Where's my arrow? by Polycarp (solved on 28. March 2023, 16:44) | 600 |  92 %
 | The Palatine Games by Bremster (solved on 28. March 2023, 11:42) | 648 |  88 %
 | Renban Killer 2 by PDN777 (solved on 27. March 2023, 15:48) | 897 |  90 %