| Description | solved | Rating
 | Vacancy (Chaos Construction) by thoughtbyte (solved on 30. August 2023, 16:12) | 72 |  96 %
 | Boxed Rooms (Chaos Construction) by thoughtbyte (solved on 29. August 2023, 19:49) | 58 |  96 %
 | Polymorphic Chaos by thoughtbyte (solved on 25. August 2023, 15:21) | 68 |  97 %
 | Latin Square Slitherlink by PulverizingPancake (solved on 24. August 2023, 12:52) | 75 |  90 %
 | Scrabble slitherlink by karzym (solved on 24. August 2023, 12:35) | 34 |  88 %
 | Outliar Slitherlink by virtual (solved on 24. August 2023, 11:14) | 86 |  95 %
 | XV Killer Logic Gates by thoughtbyte (solved on 22. August 2023, 13:34) | 28 |  84 %
 | Don't Mess With The Sharp End! by Will Power (solved on 21. August 2023, 16:20) | 346 |  89 %
 | Frog in the Pot (Arrow) by zegres (solved on 21. August 2023, 15:57) | 187 |  94 %
 | T4R4 (GAS) by thoughtbyte (solved on 18. August 2023, 12:11) | 152 |  85 %
 | Heated Indexing by Apathetic Husk (solved on 17. August 2023, 14:02) | 130 |  89 %
 | Devilishly Fun by RedBarchetta (solved on 17. August 2023, 12:18) | 187 |  88 %
 | Anticamel Sudoku by tribution (solved on 17. August 2023, 11:33) | 470 |  77 %
 | Maximum Friendliness (6x6) by thoughtbyte (solved on 17. August 2023, 11:27) | 54 |  93 %
 | Whirligig (Arrow X) by thoughtbyte (solved on 16. August 2023, 16:05) | 79 |  89 %
 | Anti-Knights of the Round (Stitched Rainbow IV) by thoughtbyte (solved on 15. August 2023, 15:32) | 139 |  91 %
 | XVXVX (Stitched Rainbow III) by thoughtbyte (solved on 15. August 2023, 13:13) | 206 |  94 %
 | Stitched Rainbow II by thoughtbyte (solved on 15. August 2023, 12:06) | 123 |  91 %
 | Interzone 19 Magic by thoughtbyte (solved on 15. August 2023, 10:25) | 54 |  86 %
 | Stitched Rainbow V by thoughtbyte (solved on 14. August 2023, 14:28) | 133 |  89 %