| Description | solved | Rating
 | Sandwich Arrow / Sandwich-Pfeil by PDN777 (solved on 21. August 2022, 06:39) | 90 |  94 %
 | Graduation by 10feet (solved on 21. August 2022, 05:39) | 99 |  93 %
 | Red Herring (6x6) by randomra (solved on 21. August 2022, 00:41) | 67 |  88 %
 | Chaos Construction: Sightlines (2) by KNT (solved on 20. August 2022, 23:34) | 57 |  97 %
 | Chaos Construction: Sightlines by KNT (solved on 17. August 2022, 04:00) | 125 |  99 %
 | Killer Look-and-Say Islands by virtual (solved on 16. August 2022, 22:32) | 52 |  96 %
 | Chaotic Skyscraper Sums by Florian Wortmann (solved on 12. August 2022, 22:35) | 80 |  99 %
 | What's wrong with being number 2? by dani_checkered_duck (solved on 9. August 2022, 04:10) | 33 |  75 %
 | Where're the Kropkis? by Xenonetix (solved on 7. August 2022, 03:01) | 61 |  95 %
 | X-Ring by kuraban (solved on 4. August 2022, 21:52) | 23 |  92 %
 | Odd Puzzle by kierownik (solved on 3. August 2022, 08:42) | 161 |  87 %
 | Sagitta (Anti-XV Arrow Sudoku) by Phistomefel (solved on 3. August 2022, 07:50) | 119 |  94 %
 | An Anti-Knight's Tale Puzzle by ranhothchord (solved on 28. July 2022, 01:21) | 152 |  88 %
 | Some On Some Off by Joseph nehme (solved on 24. July 2022, 00:42) | 176 |  93 %
 | Two Strings by zegres (solved on 23. July 2022, 06:56) | 122 |  98 %
 | El Psy Kongroo by lerroyy (solved on 22. July 2022, 20:12) | 37 |  97 %
 | Numbered Walls by Niverio (solved on 22. July 2022, 06:53) | 65 |  100 %
 | Hidden Sandwich Sums by jwsinclair (solved on 22. July 2022, 00:20) | 31 |  97 %
 | Thermal Equilibrium (Chaos Construction) by Agent (solved on 21. July 2022, 07:42) | 93 |  100 %
 | Quantum Whispers by tesseralis (solved on 18. July 2022, 06:22) | 21 |  100 %