| Description | solved | Rating
| Sum Pointers by zegres (solved on 20. October 2021, 01:09) | 40 | 95 %
| Palindromic Whispers by mathpesto (solved on 19. October 2021, 20:33) | 100 | 92 %
| Stitched Rainbow II by thoughtbyte (solved on 19. October 2021, 20:10) | 122 | 91 %
| XV Palindrome by ExFalsoQuodlibet (solved on 19. October 2021, 16:06) | 169 | 86 %
| TETRIS 24 by DocLogic (solved on 16. October 2021, 20:48) | 85 | 91 %
| Thermo variant #13: Adiabatic by djorr (solved on 4. October 2021, 19:33) | 103 | 93 %
| Unique Arrows by andreasv (solved on 2. October 2021, 20:15) | 149 | 91 %
| Emergency by kuraban (solved on 2. October 2021, 02:53) | 97 | 90 %
| Inside Out by bstuke (solved on 2. October 2021, 00:24) | 29 | 87 %
| Motherboard by Tyrgannus (solved on 1. October 2021, 23:42) | 47 | 93 %
| Antlers by jwsinclair (solved on 1. October 2021, 20:10) | 25 | 92 %
| Scarabs by Bremster (solved on 1. October 2021, 18:50) | 51 | 90 %
| Battle With The Archers 18: Turn of Events by Playmaker6174 (solved on 1. October 2021, 18:08) | 34 | 92 %
| Interzone 19 Magic by thoughtbyte (solved on 30. September 2021, 19:20) | 52 | 86 %
| Phoenix Knights by apiyo (solved on 30. September 2021, 16:28) | 136 | 97 %
| Hovercar by Xailran (solved on 30. September 2021, 15:59) | 101 | 88 %
| Double Helix by KNT (solved on 29. September 2021, 18:14) | 48 | 88 %
| Black Diamond by twototenth (solved on 28. September 2021, 17:38) | 44 | 92 %
| Trident by Lisztes (solved on 28. September 2021, 02:34) | 40 | 86 %
| Metro map by Testarossa (solved on 27. September 2021, 22:20) | 80 | 96 %