| Description | solved | Rating
 | Little Killer Between Sudoku by SudokuExplorer (solved on 25. August 2021, 12:00) | 36 |  96 %
 | Catan by thetearex15 (solved on 4. August 2021, 18:25) | 55 |  76 %
 | The Mole (Classic) by SudokuExplorer (solved on 28. July 2021, 19:21) | 138 |  86 %
 | The Exorcism ... by El Padre (solved on 28. July 2021, 19:20) | 68 |  91 %
 | Leonardo (Number By Paint #2) by manushand (solved on 24. July 2021, 05:30) | 17 |  70 %
 | Archer's Gate by SudokuExplorer (solved on 22. July 2021, 23:17) | 61 |  97 %
 | Am5rican F5v5r by Emphyrio (solved on 21. July 2021, 19:57) | 88 |  96 %
 | Sandwich Capsules by RockyRoer (solved on 14. July 2021, 14:15) | 39 |  99 %
 | Arrow Galore by SudokuExplorer (solved on 14. July 2021, 13:06) | 40 |  98 %
 | Battle With The Archers 7: Lucky Slash by Playmaker6174 (solved on 14. July 2021, 12:59) | 61 |  92 %
 | Stacked - Arrow Sudoku by Mr.Menace (solved on 8. July 2021, 16:36) | 48 |  98 %
 | Parity Killer by SudokuExplorer (solved on 8. July 2021, 16:34) | 40 |  94 %
 | Toppling the Dominoes by twototenth (solved on 23. June 2021, 03:43) | 58 |  89 %
 | Crystal by Qodec (solved on 23. June 2021, 03:34) | 65 |  91 %
 | Parity Switching Thermo by SudokuExplorer (solved on 23. June 2021, 03:33) | 49 |  90 %
 | Killomino Sudoku by Phistomefel (solved on 13. June 2021, 03:00) | 85 |  99 %
 | Median Killer Sudoku by RockyRoer (solved on 13. June 2021, 02:59) | 51 |  98 %
 | Flip Phone by manushand (solved on 29. May 2021, 04:06) | 85 |  78 %
 | Arrow Spirals by Klausku (solved on 29. May 2021, 04:02) | 17 |  85 %
 | Tangled Arrows II: 6x6 (Arrow sudoku) by Aspartagcus (solved on 29. May 2021, 03:59) | 26 |  91 %