| Description | solved | Rating
 | Wrogn Fogn by jwsinclair (solved on 21. May 2023, 21:54) | 424 |  95 %
 | Everything Is Rihgt by DiMono (solved on 19. May 2023, 09:09) | 91 |  95 %
 | Little Killer Parity Chaos by PjotrV (solved on 17. May 2023, 08:18) | 57 |  85 %
 | Crossroads by Knickolas (solved on 16. May 2023, 01:23) | 29 |  97 %
 | Chequered Arromino #1 by Phistomefel (solved on 3. May 2023, 00:45) | 118 |  93 %
 | Chaos Control by Scojo (solved on 21. April 2023, 21:38) | 58 |  94 %
 | BYO Kropki Cages by mathpesto (solved on 20. April 2023, 01:02) | 69 |  99 %
 | Prong by randall (solved on 14. April 2023, 12:48) | 15 |  91 %
 | A Day for Chaos by DarthParadox (solved on 12. April 2023, 09:30) | 44 |  91 %
 | Count me in ! [Deconstruction] by Christounet (solved on 9. April 2023, 12:16) | 80 |  95 %
 | Order and Chaos by Scojo (solved on 9. April 2023, 01:21) | 21 |  87 %
 | Chaos? by Florian Wortmann (solved on 1. April 2023, 21:35) | 369 |  94 %
 | Overheating [Thermo Deconstruction] by Christounet (solved on 1. April 2023, 20:19) | 153 |  95 %
 | Merry Christmas Zetamath! by Scojo (solved on 27. March 2023, 09:58) | 33 |  91 %
 | Utterly A Maze Thing by fjam (solved on 18. March 2023, 06:16) | 23 |  94 %
 | Rock and a Hard Place (Chaos Construction) by tallcat (solved on 16. March 2023, 06:20) | 79 |  96 %
 | Difference by mormagli (solved on 15. March 2023, 09:35) | 16 |  97 %
 | Compass Chaos Construction by Jay Dyer (solved on 13. March 2023, 10:00) | 61 |  99 %
 | Colorguru Chaos Deconstruction: Palindromes 2 by crispy16 (solved on 7. March 2023, 13:02) | 39 |  97 %
 | Same Sums Chaos (6x6) by randomra (solved on 7. March 2023, 12:33) | 345 |  92 %