| Description | solved | Rating
 | Seven Little Dots by BabaJ (solved on 8. June 2022, 20:44) | 63 |  86 %
 | Chain Reaction by jwsinclair (solved on 8. June 2022, 18:57) | 152 |  94 %
 | Third Times the Charm by Ned Howarth (solved on 31. May 2022, 20:49) | 171 |  94 %
 | Power Up! by Eclectic_Hoosier (solved on 31. May 2022, 14:48) | 138 |  90 %
 | Entropic Snake by Sabrar (solved on 26. May 2022, 18:57) | 75 |  84 %
 | Ukraine by Testarossa (solved on 18. May 2022, 09:18) | 88 |  82 %
 | Resistance is Futile by JeremyDover (solved on 16. May 2022, 20:40) | 170 |  94 %
 | Periphery by FKlauser (solved on 12. May 2022, 19:42) | 160 |  88 %
 | Obvious fish is obvious but… by rmahus (solved on 12. May 2022, 19:23) | 282 |  91 %
 | AT-AT by Florian Wortmann (solved on 4. May 2022, 20:56) | 384 |  91 %
 | -XV + Quadruples by Jeet Sampat (solved on 2. May 2022, 20:41) | 70 |  87 %
 | Hidden 22 by FKlauser (solved on 29. April 2022, 15:34) | 598 |  91 %
 | Merry-Go-Around by ocaly (solved on 22. April 2022, 20:24) | 174 |  86 %
 | Attraction by Joseph nehme (solved on 22. April 2022, 16:55) | 97 |  97 %
 | Pivot on 5 by Blobz (solved on 20. April 2022, 22:06) | 211 |  87 %
 | Thermo variant #37: Parity Thermos by djorr (solved on 20. April 2022, 16:00) | 112 |  87 %
 | Pearl Necklace by FKlauser (solved on 19. April 2022, 16:46) | 104 |  91 %
 | "Krokpi" Conundrum (April Fool's Special) by TheRiddler (solved on 3. April 2022, 05:20) | 76 |  90 %
 | Lines and Cages / Leinen und Käfige by PDN777 (solved on 1. April 2022, 14:28) | 219 |  88 %
 | Chromatic Encounters of the Third Dot by Steve360 (solved on 31. March 2022, 17:56) | 109 |  89 %