| Description | solved | Rating
 | No Hot KNights by Stargazing Albatross (solved on 8. July 2024, 13:20) | 135 |  89 %
 | The Odd Knight by meggen033 (solved on 5. May 2024, 01:40) | 360 |  97 %
 | Anti (King/Knight/Non-Consecutive) Overload by kierownik (solved on 5. May 2024, 00:25) | 286 |  86 %
 | KICK 2 by timyoth (solved on 20. April 2024, 02:20) | 118 |  91 %
 | Arthur's Weave (Antiknight-Killer Sudoku) by meggen033 (solved on 20. April 2024, 01:19) | 270 |  93 %
 | Se7en by meggen033 (solved on 8. April 2024, 22:12) | 227 |  93 %
 | Magic Sandwiches by Biscuit (solved on 8. April 2024, 05:11) | 82 |  82 %
 | Easy Doubles, Anti Knight - Thermo by SimplePurpleFrog (solved on 24. January 2024, 03:01) | 272 |  89 %
 | Squished Knights by mathpesto (solved on 14. January 2024, 00:02) | 163 |  95 %
 | Happy New Year by Abdul the Killer (solved on 3. January 2024, 21:10) | 61 |  86 %
 | Lonely Horses by chameleon (solved on 3. January 2024, 00:50) | 68 |  79 %
 | Reflected Knight by Jolly Rogers (solved on 22. December 2023, 03:35) | 143 |  95 %
 | Octarrow by Tulrak (solved on 20. December 2023, 22:58) | 33 |  93 %
 | Hot in Herre by LFC TrickMeister (solved on 18. December 2023, 20:23) | 101 |  84 %
 | 9 by joshfrew (solved on 15. December 2023, 06:35) | 94 |  87 %
 | 虎 (Tiger) (German whispers + killer sudoku) by Aspartagcus (solved on 13. December 2023, 09:10) | 393 |  94 %
 | 'leven by mormagli (solved on 12. December 2023, 08:33) | 420 |  95 %
 | Crust point by palpot (solved on 12. December 2023, 05:52) | 68 |  88 %
 | Small Chess Sudoku by Kitty Trouble (solved on 11. December 2023, 20:01) | 134 |  82 %
 | Wonderful Underflow by Abdul the Killer (solved on 10. December 2023, 06:03) | 41 |  88 %