| Description | solved | Rating
 | Shuriken! by juggler (solved on 15. June 2024, 17:05) | 120 |  90 %
 | N-Lines by juggler (solved on 29. May 2024, 16:16) | 94 |  96 %
 | Ludoku by isajo4002 (solved on 29. May 2024, 15:13) | 51 |  88 %
 | Anti-Renban Killer #2 by Phistomefel (solved on 19. May 2024, 21:47) | 60 |  88 %
 | Modern Wall by XeonRisq (solved on 4. May 2024, 07:28) | 17 |  98 %
 | Wavecatcher by Nordy (solved on 17. April 2024, 22:00) | 27 |  94 %
 | A message to you by Lulero (solved on 16. April 2024, 01:54) | 177 |  94 %
 | The Colour out of Space (Advanced Black Hole) by heliopolix (solved on 9. April 2024, 00:23) | 15 |  92 %
 | Bafflement by Xenonetix (solved on 8. April 2024, 21:44) | 53 |  100 %
 | The Negative Diagonal by 99%Sneaky (solved on 31. March 2024, 17:43) | 127 |  92 %
 | xv'S little Killer by isajo4002 (solved on 13. March 2024, 10:42) | 64 |  91 %
 | Crystallizer (Filloku #7) by mormagli (solved on 18. February 2024, 02:14) | 19 |  99 %
 | 159 Sandwiches by RockyRoer (solved on 18. February 2024, 00:40) | 33 |  99 %
 | Wichtel 2021 (6): Flucht durch die Unterwelt by wichtel (solved on 18. November 2023, 23:39) | 17 |  99 %
 | Blueberry Crop in the Fog by olima (solved on 3. October 2023, 04:30) | 660 |  91 %
 | Sycamore Gap Tree by Flinty (solved on 3. October 2023, 04:06) | 385 |  92 %
 | Chess at the Gate by Niverio (solved on 2. October 2023, 00:55) | 95 |  94 %
 | Liar Spiral by Niverio (solved on 2. October 2023, 00:32) | 68 |  97 %
 | Suchmannschaft by 99%Sneaky (solved on 29. September 2023, 18:37) | 141 |  95 %
 | [159] Windmill by W1DEMAN (solved on 26. September 2023, 04:37) | 47 |  93 %