| Description | solved | Rating
 | Evolution by grkles (solved on 25. October 2023, 20:41) | 75 |  91 %
 | Akari RGB (Hex) #1 by The Book Wyrm (solved on 23. October 2023, 17:27) | 55 |  93 %
 | ♫ I'm a poor, lonesome arrow... ♫ by Phistomefel (solved on 19. October 2023, 21:43) | 686 |  95 %
 | Bad Wiring Diagram by Tingo (solved on 19. October 2023, 20:16) | 787 |  93 %
 | Cherry Blossoms in Spring by Will Power (solved on 19. October 2023, 16:07) | 652 |  90 %
 | Slitherlink Stations by Agent (solved on 13. September 2023, 23:01) | 99 |  96 %
 | The Aqua Galaxy by mathpesto (solved on 12. September 2023, 20:43) | 79 |  96 %
 | Shikaku Fillomino #1 (6x6) by the_cogito (solved on 22. September 2022, 17:25) | 52 |  96 %
 | Whiski by mathpesto (solved on 11. August 2022, 16:03) | 97 |  96 %
 | LM 2022 Leftover: Heyawake by lupo (solved on 11. August 2022, 15:36) | 79 |  83 %
 | The Long And Short Of It by Scruffamudda (solved on 2. August 2022, 17:31) | 350 |  93 %
 | LM 2022 Leftover: Fillomino vom Außerirdischen by ibag (solved on 2. August 2022, 16:39) | 104 |  91 %
 | Colorguru Chaos Deconstruction: Palindromes by crispy16 (solved on 28. July 2022, 19:49) | 39 |  99 %
 | Colorguru Chaos Deconstruction: Kropkis by crispy16 (solved on 26. July 2022, 18:48) | 23 |  94 %
 | Colorguru Chaos Deconstruction: Palindromes 2 by crispy16 (solved on 25. July 2022, 21:04) | 39 |  97 %
 | Four-Colour Pentominous by Nell Gwyn (solved on 2. June 2022, 16:25) | 55 |  92 %
 | Colorguru Chaos Deconstruction by crispy16 (solved on 30. May 2022, 20:49) | 48 |  97 %
 | Deconstructed Pentominoes by mathpesto (solved on 26. May 2022, 20:19) | 75 |  97 %
 | Skyscraper (X)Sums by grkles (solved on 13. May 2022, 16:17) | 78 |  92 %
 | Friends² by JoWovrin (solved on 4. November 2021, 14:27) | 64 |  100 %