| Description | solved | Rating
 | Yin Yang on Arrows by farodin64 (solved on 29. July 2023, 06:05) | 310 |  92 %
 | A Coloring Conundrum by lapazhu (solved on 28. July 2023, 23:15) | 717 |  92 %
 | Looking For A Friend (Nala’s Adventures #4) by SandraNala (solved on 28. July 2023, 22:58) | 729 |  94 %
 | More Regions in the Fog by Oddlyeven (solved on 28. July 2023, 22:12) | 183 |  91 %
 | The 5 Colours of the Rainbow by Trik126 (solved on 28. July 2023, 21:50) | 102 |  83 %
 | Stitched Rainbow V by thoughtbyte (solved on 27. July 2023, 09:41) | 133 |  89 %
 | Anti-Knights of the Round (Stitched Rainbow IV) by thoughtbyte (solved on 26. July 2023, 19:58) | 139 |  91 %
 | Sum Foggy Quads by thoughtbyte (solved on 26. July 2023, 19:02) | 426 |  89 %
 | XVXVX (Stitched Rainbow III) by thoughtbyte (solved on 26. July 2023, 07:39) | 206 |  94 %
 | Stitched Rainbow II by thoughtbyte (solved on 25. July 2023, 19:43) | 123 |  91 %
 | Split Up Rainbow by Perladel (solved on 24. July 2023, 15:31) | 60 |  88 %
 | Do(o)ts and Sum Blue (6x6) by SandraNala (solved on 24. July 2023, 12:52) | 343 |  92 %
 | Between Odd and Even (6x6) by SandraNala (solved on 24. July 2023, 12:23) | 435 |  86 %
 | Missing Shoes - Nala!? (Nala’s Adventures #3) by SandraNala (solved on 23. July 2023, 09:28) | 637 |  97 %
 | Rupees by rmahus (solved on 23. July 2023, 08:15) | 350 |  95 %
 | Stitched Rainbow by thoughtbyte (solved on 21. July 2023, 19:55) | 758 |  95 %
 | The 5th Mean by Palfly Kampling (solved on 21. July 2023, 18:30) | 243 |  96 %
 | Domino Trails by Blobz (solved on 21. July 2023, 17:00) | 96 |  98 %
 | Caged Construction 2 by asdfqwerguy (solved on 21. July 2023, 11:29) | 78 |  90 %
 | Miraculous Chaos Construction by Smank (solved on 20. July 2023, 13:12) | 39 |  83 %