| Description | solved | Rating
 | ✚ Whisper-me-Sum-thing Loop ✚ by ElChiglia (solved on 11. December 2023, 20:17) | 28 |  93 %
 | Ménage à Trois by Die Hard (solved on 7. December 2023, 21:02) | 59 |  95 %
 | XY Sandwich by Die Hard (solved on 3. October 2023, 18:39) | 20 |  84 %
 | Disambiguity by GemmaOane (solved on 19. September 2023, 21:04) | 10 |  N/A
 | Alphabet Soup by dennischen (solved on 2. February 2023, 22:16) | 3 |  N/A
 | Arromino by mathpesto (solved on 18. January 2023, 00:27) | 110 |  97 %
 | Disconnection by fritzdis (solved on 14. January 2023, 11:32) | 55 |  96 %
 | Santa Puzzle - for dumediat by the_cogito (solved on 11. January 2023, 16:25) | 29 |  95 %
 | Happy Mask 1 by Alcar (solved on 6. January 2023, 03:47) | 20 |  87 %
 | Happy Mask 2 by Alcar (solved on 5. January 2023, 00:51) | 30 |  75 %
 | The Escape Room by jackisaacbryan (solved on 4. January 2023, 19:14) | 7 |  N/A
 | The Map by PotatoHead21 (solved on 27. December 2022, 23:26) | 24 |  96 %
 | Nuribian Islands by lepton (solved on 18. December 2022, 18:23) | 41 |  95 %
 | WheelbArrows by Mountainfarmer (solved on 13. September 2022, 23:26) | 20 |  98 %
 | Unique Peaks 5 by Scruffamudda (solved on 31. August 2022, 12:00) | 51 |  90 %
 | Where did the king go? by Jagga (solved on 21. August 2022, 21:43) | 24 |  89 %
 | My cup runneth over intensely by Fool on Hill (solved on 21. August 2022, 00:58) | 20 |  95 %
 | Quiet, please! (renban whispers sudoku) A.k.a. "The Pipe" by Lizzy01 (solved on 18. August 2022, 23:38) | 51 |  98 %
 | Vendetta by SeaOtter417 (solved on 13. August 2022, 10:25) | 6 |  N/A
 | Sagitta (Anti-XV Arrow Sudoku) by Phistomefel (solved on 8. August 2022, 02:00) | 119 |  94 %