| Description | solved | Rating
 | 6-dimensional cube by lemononmars (solved on 5. May 2023, 01:17) | 109 |  89 %
 | Stickman Classroom (Klassenzimmer) by Will Power (solved on 4. May 2023, 23:35) | 358 |  93 %
 | Long chain reaction vx consecutive sudoku by 97358 Johnny JLJ (solved on 27. April 2023, 12:45) | 121 |  77 %
 | What fits in a cage? by Kirra (solved on 27. April 2023, 02:03) | 181 |  88 %
 | Lines in the Sand by Will Power (solved on 27. April 2023, 00:44) | 183 |  92 %
 | Wang Wang! (SudoCruise Bonus 1) by SSG (solved on 2. April 2023, 16:07) | 344 |  92 %
 | Blustery Day by DJV (solved on 7. February 2023, 16:32) | 123 |  93 %
 | Mochi The Cat by Allagem (solved on 7. February 2023, 14:00) | 238 |  93 %
 | The Path is Clear by Will Power (solved on 7. January 2023, 14:19) | 191 |  90 %
 | Not With A Revolver by MicroStudy (solved on 7. January 2023, 00:56) | 143 |  93 %
 | Reversi by degustaf (solved on 6. January 2023, 23:16) | 108 |  86 %
 | How the Turntables... by shinggaming (solved on 6. January 2023, 21:29) | 272 |  93 %
 | Fellowship of the Rings by Will Power (solved on 8. September 2022, 12:20) | 287 |  91 %
 | Traitor Thermo by siron2133 (solved on 6. September 2022, 19:40) | 38 |  96 %
 | Dodekanesos (Sudoku Nurikabe hybrid) by PjotrV (solved on 6. September 2022, 15:25) | 120 |  95 %
 | Disjoint Renban by Innocuous (solved on 6. September 2022, 14:24) | 87 |  90 %