| Description | solved | Rating
 | Whisper at Maximum Volume by Will Power (solved on 7. October 2022, 03:05) | 137 |  89 %
 | 159 whispers by apc (solved on 2. October 2022, 03:46) | 297 |  91 %
 | Funfair Of Variants by The Colonel (solved on 30. September 2022, 01:04) | 53 |  83 %
 | 25 by BonBonWolf (solved on 29. September 2022, 23:30) | 116 |  64 %
 | High Five by Ceedrich (solved on 29. September 2022, 23:21) | 119 |  87 %
 | Break Away (7x7) by BonBonWolf (solved on 29. September 2022, 22:53) | 44 |  80 %
 | Ratio Sudoku #2 by kierownik (solved on 10. August 2022, 03:46) | 208 |  86 %
 | Trap Cages by C.C. (solved on 10. August 2022, 02:59) | 111 |  28 %
 | 5x5 Arrows by Simy (solved on 10. August 2022, 02:53) | 176 |  78 %
 | Around the corner (Irregular Anti-Knight) by tsc (solved on 26. April 2022, 19:39) | 97 |  88 %
 | Palindora's Box by Will Power (solved on 25. April 2022, 03:15) | 263 |  83 %
 | The Quiver by Dag H (solved on 25. April 2022, 02:52) | 191 |  91 %
 | Parity Arrows 2 / Paritätspfeile 2 by PDN777 (solved on 10. March 2022, 00:33) | 137 |  90 %
 | Wind Up, Wind Down by FullDeck-Missing (solved on 6. March 2022, 17:37) | 253 |  82 %
 | Easy Peasy by Joseph nehme (solved on 6. March 2022, 16:51) | 147 |  87 %
 | We Stand with Ukraine // Wir Stehen Zur Ukraine by FullDeck-Missing (solved on 3. March 2022, 19:46) | 93 |  96 %
 | Kill or Be Killed? / Töten oder getötet werden? by PDN777 (solved on 3. March 2022, 13:46) | 200 |  89 %
 | Stranger Kings by mith (solved on 1. March 2022, 12:27) | 121 |  91 %
 | Odd Knights in a Whirlpool by steelwool (solved on 1. March 2022, 01:22) | 38 |  88 %
 | Defect by jsmirob (solved on 28. February 2022, 23:15) | 51 |  93 %