| Description | solved | Rating
| Palindrome Secret Difference Sudoku X by Cane_Puzzles (solved on 9. June 2021, 18:07) | 21 | 89 %
| Pinball by lm-sw (solved on 9. June 2021, 16:57) | 89 | 90 %
| The lone 5 by JoWovrin (solved on 9. June 2021, 14:05) | 29 | 88 %
| Killer Cage by Fago (solved on 9. June 2021, 01:03) | 46 | 90 %
| Sudoku Variants Series (322) - Ascending Starters Sudoku by Richard (solved on 8. June 2021, 20:39) | 81 | 96 %
| Amigos by bram (solved on 8. June 2021, 00:41) | 77 | 92 %
| Supernova by Mad-Tyas (solved on 7. June 2021, 20:17) | 16 | 88 %
| Dance for One by Piatato (solved on 4. June 2021, 22:10) | 62 | 95 %
| Nazca by Konzert (solved on 4. June 2021, 21:27) | 32 | 92 %
| Roses by PulverizingPancake (solved on 4. June 2021, 19:42) | 47 | 99 %
| please dont pencilmark the entire grid (Killer Thermo Sudoku) by lavaloid (solved on 3. June 2021, 14:21) | 160 | 95 %
| The Arrow Galaxy by Mad-Tyas (solved on 3. June 2021, 12:49) | 48 | 95 %
| Napoleon by Kafkapharnaum (solved on 2. June 2021, 21:38) | 70 | 93 %
| Behind Enemy Lines by Leyrann (solved on 2. June 2021, 21:13) | 69 | 93 %
| Killer Cross by Fago (solved on 2. June 2021, 15:37) | 65 | 90 %
| Killers 123...go by abed hawila (solved on 2. June 2021, 13:58) | 56 | 95 %
| Symmetric Sevens by Crystal Phoenix (solved on 1. June 2021, 20:17) | 101 | 87 %
| Gravity by jovi_al (solved on 1. June 2021, 19:30) | 112 | 97 %
| 19th of May Sudoku (Mystery Sandwich) by Cane_Puzzles (solved on 1. June 2021, 17:03) | 31 | 93 %
| Sudoku Variants Series (321) - Slingshot Sudoku by Richard (solved on 28. May 2021, 18:32) | 95 | 97 %