| Description | solved | Rating
| 25/12 by starwarigami (solved on 2. July 2023, 08:56) | 64 | 91 %
| 21 Again by starwarigami (solved on 2. July 2023, 07:26) | 145 | 91 %
| Domino Topple by starwarigami (solved on 2. July 2023, 06:35) | 55 | 89 %
| Fifteen/Love by starwarigami (solved on 2. July 2023, 00:11) | 155 | 94 %
| Seventeen by Blobz (solved on 30. June 2023, 22:05) | 105 | 94 %
| The 4-Colour Theorem by starwarigami (solved on 30. June 2023, 09:45) | 73 | 96 %
| The 3-Colour Theorem by starwarigami (solved on 30. June 2023, 05:25) | 100 | 96 %
| Squeez Theorem (Suguru Deconstruction) by KevinTheMH (solved on 29. June 2023, 02:12) | 25 | 95 %
| Tatamidoku by mathpesto (solved on 28. June 2023, 05:57) | 86 | 97 %
| Reef by zetamath (solved on 28. June 2023, 05:55) | 108 | 97 %
| Highway to the Danger Zone by Jay Dyer (solved on 19. June 2023, 22:32) | 55 | 93 %
| Coral Creek by Jay Dyer (solved on 19. June 2023, 11:30) | 45 | 97 %
| Breakeven (Yin Yang Parity Sudoku) by Agent (solved on 19. June 2023, 09:29) | 177 | 96 %
| Nurikabe and Chaos by wooferzfg (solved on 16. June 2023, 05:39) | 60 | 100 %
| T-Time (Anti-Knight Renban Killer Sudoku) by Phistomefel (solved on 15. June 2023, 08:42) | 166 | 97 %
| Wildflowers by mathpesto (solved on 14. June 2023, 10:33) | 69 | 95 %
| Chaos Deconstruction: Sightlines by KNT (solved on 14. June 2023, 02:20) | 75 | 98 %
| Pac-Man Sudoku by mathpesto (solved on 14. June 2023, 02:18) | 125 | 94 %
| Fillomino Chaos Construction #2 by dennischen (solved on 9. June 2023, 23:44) | 42 | 97 %
| Miami by zetamath (solved on 6. June 2023, 06:48) | 48 | 99 %