| Description | solved | Rating
| The Sudo-Queue by Big Tiger (solved on 31. January 2022, 09:02) | 35 | 84 %
| To The Skies by Piatato (solved on 31. January 2022, 07:59) | 58 | 97 %
| Czarne Kropki by Florian Wortmann (solved on 24. January 2022, 08:01) | 127 | 95 %
| Prickly Pear (Sudoku11) by Sumanta(ANU) (solved on 18. January 2022, 19:51) | 28 | 92 %
| Snowflake by kuraban (solved on 16. January 2022, 08:14) | 25 | 98 %
| Assassins by kuraban (solved on 15. January 2022, 17:19) | 13 | 88 %
| Serial BoX by twototenth (solved on 12. January 2022, 11:22) | 45 | 97 %
| Bobbins! by Barrels (solved on 9. January 2022, 11:58) | 98 | 74 %
| All Fifteens Given by Scruffamudda (solved on 7. January 2022, 13:27) | 75 | 87 %
| A Miracle Reborn by matt383 (solved on 2. January 2022, 09:26) | 117 | 92 %
| Odd Creek by Arabus (solved on 15. December 2021, 11:46) | 30 | 90 %
| Das Haus vom Nikolaus by Florian Wortmann (solved on 14. December 2021, 20:05) | 107 | 92 %
| Staggered by the_cogito (solved on 13. December 2021, 17:41) | 53 | 97 %
| 159 Spoons by ExFalsoQuodlibet (solved on 10. December 2021, 18:19) | 89 | 90 %
| Whisperstop World Tour by starwarigami (solved on 9. December 2021, 11:32) | 46 | 93 %
| BYOK Renban Edition by Joseph nehme (solved on 30. November 2021, 10:10) | 44 | 94 %
| No 1 Is Alone by SSG (solved on 28. November 2021, 16:05) | 101 | 88 %
| Supernova by Nahileon (solved on 28. November 2021, 14:36) | 64 | 99 %
| 9erman Wh15pers by Andrewsarchus (solved on 24. November 2021, 19:57) | 161 | 91 %
| Four Lockout Lines by Lizzy01 (solved on 24. November 2021, 10:35) | 35 | 98 %