| Description | solved | Rating
| Double Agent by DadJokes (solved on 15. December 2023, 07:55) | 21 | 97 %
| Jester by DadJokes (solved on 14. December 2023, 16:19) | 22 | 89 %
| Knightsjump Sudoku by Prutsbeest (solved on 14. December 2023, 11:12) | 13 | 90 %
| Origin (Coordinate arrows/Negators) by dumediat (solved on 13. December 2023, 09:24) | 18 | 100 %
| Gestalt (Collab Puzzle #1) by GroupTheory (solved on 10. December 2023, 10:52) | 39 | 86 %
| LYLY (double arrows) by Samish (solved on 7. December 2023, 14:45) | 15 | 98 %
| Double Arrows Arrows by Samish (solved on 1. December 2023, 14:51) | 16 | 92 %
| Tallmath (Double arrow sudoku) by Qodec (solved on 30. November 2023, 14:47) | 102 | 98 %
| Gradius by Kafkapharnaum (solved on 27. November 2023, 20:22) | 43 | 94 %
| Four body problem by filuta (solved on 27. November 2023, 17:26) | 8 | N/A
| Chaos Construction: Yin Yang (9x9) by Jesper (solved on 26. November 2023, 14:04) | 96 | 100 %
| Obvious Killer II: everything looks wrogn by filuta (solved on 26. November 2023, 08:48) | 22 | 94 %
| Obvious Killer by filuta (solved on 24. November 2023, 14:31) | 24 | 98 %
| Long range archery by filuta (solved on 20. November 2023, 09:40) | 25 | 98 %
| Unusual journey of a lonely knight (chaos construction) by filuta (solved on 17. November 2023, 12:03) | 25 | 97 %
| arROw SudOkU by filuta (solved on 16. November 2023, 12:48) | 22 | 89 %
| Friends in unknown lands (chaos construction) by filuta (solved on 15. November 2023, 21:41) | 18 | 93 %
| arROw SudOkU - ARroW sUDoKu by filuta (solved on 15. November 2023, 12:24) | 19 | 88 %
| The Seer by Kafkapharnaum (solved on 13. November 2023, 16:14) | 8 | N/A
| Friends in unknown lands redux (still chaos construction) by filuta (solved on 10. November 2023, 11:20) | 7 | N/A