| Description | solved | Rating
 | Elven's Eleven Evil Pumpkins by Taco (solved on 3. January 2025, 16:50) | 145 |  88 %
 | (Just Anti-Knight) ⟶ JAK-10 by Stargazing Albatross (solved on 3. July 2023, 21:38) | 278 |  83 %
 | Two Thermo Snack by Die Hard (solved on 29. June 2023, 17:49) | 296 |  90 %
 | Is it even two strange? by Kirra (solved on 23. May 2023, 21:35) | 191 |  77 %
 | Directions in the Dark by rockratzero (solved on 27. March 2023, 18:03) | 363 |  87 %
 | Slow Global Warming Warning by Will Power (solved on 27. February 2023, 16:20) | 228 |  83 %
 | I Love You and Sudoku by Kirra (solved on 21. February 2023, 16:05) | 656 |  76 %
 | Clueless Knight XV by Lutterot (solved on 8. February 2023, 20:46) | 221 |  88 %
 | 9-steps Tutorial: Kropki by Azireo (solved on 12. January 2023, 12:51) | 316 |  79 %
 | Ask The Right Question by Tingo (solved on 15. September 2022, 17:45) | 325 |  73 %
 | Highs and Lows by C.C. (solved on 17. August 2022, 00:23) | 105 |  38 %
 | Bug .. Snax by kinnison (solved on 15. August 2022, 14:35) | 356 |  82 %
 | Bricks by EricRathbun (solved on 31. July 2022, 10:31) | 169 |  78 %
 | Thermeteors by asp1310 (solved on 25. July 2022, 19:27) | 292 |  85 %
 | one Kropkisandwich with Vs please by Hulk3421 (solved on 20. July 2022, 21:14) | 208 |  76 %
 | Devil of Odds by SmileFX (solved on 18. July 2022, 07:50) | 94 |  81 %
 | Odd One Out (4x4) by kikanya (solved on 7. July 2022, 19:42) | 432 |  77 %
 | Windoku Antiking Sudoku by jsherwood (solved on 20. June 2022, 12:27) | 131 |  80 %
 | Arrow's Revenge by wildhound007 (solved on 10. June 2022, 02:56) | 243 |  86 %
 | Little Thermonster by lost creativity (solved on 16. May 2022, 17:23) | 436 |  87 %