| Description | solved | Rating
| Odd One Out (4x4) by kikanya (solved on 13. February 2023, 22:12) | 409 | 77 %
| Unique Dominoes (4x4) by hexadoodle (solved on 13. February 2023, 21:23) | 1024 | 73 %
| Same Sums Chaos (6x6) by randomra (solved on 13. February 2023, 21:17) | 333 | 92 %
| 6x6 Variant Mix by Chris6765 (solved on 13. February 2023, 20:28) | 234 | 74 %
| Small Tactics (Classic 6x6) by randomra (solved on 13. February 2023, 19:49) | 135 | 76 %
| Unique Dominoes (6x6) by hexadoodle (solved on 3. February 2023, 19:24) | 334 | 76 %
| The End of the Rainbow (6x6) by Crystal Phoenix (solved on 3. February 2023, 18:36) | 123 | 88 %
| Kropki Snake (6x6) by Crystal Phoenix (solved on 3. February 2023, 17:34) | 170 | 78 %
| Mystery Sum Thermo (6x6) by Crystal Phoenix (solved on 3. February 2023, 16:11) | 137 | 80 %
| Bug .. Snax by kinnison (solved on 3. February 2023, 04:30) | 332 | 82 %
| Serial Number (6x6 Sudoku, Renban) by kinnison (solved on 2. February 2023, 20:13) | 167 | 86 %
| Stab Victim - A 6x6 killer sudoku by kinnison (solved on 2. February 2023, 19:36) | 276 | 83 %