| Description | solved | Rating
| Fillomino Chaos Construction #2 by dennischen (solved on 23. July 2023, 12:21) | 42 | 97 %
| Permakultur (Fillomino und Rundweg) by berni (solved on 20. July 2023, 00:52) | 117 | 86 %
| Stostone Fillomino by bolgat (solved on 19. July 2023, 01:45) | 48 | 99 %
| Dimorphism by Jay Dyer (solved on 16. July 2023, 10:57) | 85 | 97 %
| Shenanigans by Jay Dyer (solved on 14. July 2023, 00:03) | 138 | 98 %
| Quintessence [Pentominous Fillomino] by MicroStudy (solved on 12. July 2023, 07:51) | 71 | 97 %
| Coral Creek by Jay Dyer (solved on 12. July 2023, 07:50) | 45 | 97 %
| The Four Chord Loop by SSG (solved on 9. July 2023, 21:54) | 40 | 94 %
| Heyawacky Fillomino by SudokuExplorer (solved on 9. July 2023, 16:36) | 49 | 99 %
| 红葉puzzles(PP118): Fillomino004 by cdwg2000 (solved on 9. July 2023, 15:53) | 118 | 77 %
| LM 2022 Leftover: Fillomino vom Außerirdischen by ibag (solved on 9. July 2023, 15:44) | 100 | 91 %
| Kropki Fillomino by SudokuExplorer (solved on 9. July 2023, 15:33) | 60 | 97 %
| Egg-Sighting by Nordy (solved on 9. July 2023, 15:12) | 124 | 95 %
| Friendly Indexing Miracle by thoughtbyte (solved on 8. July 2023, 14:10) | 38 | 95 %
| Hey! Listen! by yttrio (solved on 5. July 2023, 22:47) | 186 | 93 %
| Anti-Knight Fillomino by mathpesto (solved on 5. July 2023, 22:45) | 141 | 93 %
| Bridges and Fillings by mathpesto (solved on 5. July 2023, 22:44) | 133 | 95 %
| Fog, Deconstructed by jwsinclair (solved on 5. July 2023, 22:43) | 267 | 94 %
| Outside Whisper by Jodawo (solved on 1. July 2023, 16:21) | 113 | 93 %
| Fog X by chameleon (solved on 1. July 2023, 14:20) | 497 | 83 %