| Description | solved | Rating
 | 24 Ways to survive a Dutch Advent (1): Thermometer Sudoku by Eisbär (solved on 30. December 2012, 17:56) | 148 |  88 %
 | Little Irregular Killer 2 by Richard (solved on 29. August 2012, 16:50) | 73 |  94 %
 | Little Irregular Killer 1 by Richard (solved on 29. August 2012, 16:24) | 87 |  91 %
 | Sudoku 1~9 by Richard (solved on 16. July 2012, 22:15) | 206 |  90 %
 | Sudoku: Im Schatten der 6 - Knapp daneben by CHalb (solved on 16. July 2012, 21:48) | 117 |  83 %
 | Windoku with Renban Groups III by zhergan (solved on 16. July 2012, 21:34) | 84 |  87 %
 | GUMP Sudoku by Richard (solved on 16. July 2012, 20:31) | 93 |  89 %
 | Diagonal-Distanz Sudoku by surbier (solved on 16. July 2012, 16:10) | 95 |  84 %
 | ...Steigendes Sudoku I by Richard (solved on 4. July 2012, 22:26) | 196 |  88 %
 | Maximin Sudoku 1 by Richard (solved on 4. July 2012, 22:11) | 112 |  92 %
 | Back to Basics: Pünktchen Sudoku (A) by Richard (solved on 4. July 2012, 21:47) | 110 |  90 %
 | Pünktchen Sudoku 6 by Richard (solved on 4. July 2012, 21:11) | 138 |  87 %
 | Equal Sudoku by Richard (solved on 4. July 2012, 20:50) | 106 |  90 %
 | Equal Sudoku II by Richard (solved on 4. July 2012, 10:34) | 107 |  89 %
 | Equal sudoku III by Richard (solved on 4. July 2012, 10:03) | 114 |  87 %
 | ...Steigendes Distanz Sudoku by Richard (solved on 29. June 2012, 15:43) | 124 |  90 %
 | LMI-Überbleibsel 7b - Maximin Sudoku by Richard (solved on 29. June 2012, 15:31) | 94 |  88 %
 | LMI-Überbleibsel 7a - Minimax Sudoku by Richard (solved on 29. June 2012, 15:18) | 135 |  91 %
 | LMI-Überbleibsel 6b - Pünktchen Sudoku by Richard (solved on 29. June 2012, 15:07) | 108 |  88 %
 | LMI-Überbleibsel 6a - ... Steigendes Sudoku by Richard (solved on 27. June 2012, 14:38) | 102 |  87 %