| Description | solved | Rating
| Gabi-Doppelstern by pin7guin (solved on 12. July 2012, 10:56) | 107 | 85 %
| Sudoku 12 with Renban Groups by zhergan (solved on 10. July 2012, 16:47) | 31 | 68 %
| Inception-Hochhäuser (3) by Hausigel (solved on 7. July 2012, 22:27) | 61 | 98 %
| Masyu Flotte by Richard (solved on 7. July 2012, 14:32) | 134 | 88 %
| Equal sudoku III by Richard (solved on 7. July 2012, 14:31) | 114 | 87 %
| Galaxien II by zhergan (solved on 7. July 2012, 14:30) | 117 | 82 %
| Berghuetten Sudoku by surbier (solved on 7. July 2012, 14:29) | 77 | 74 %
| Japanese loop by Fred76 (solved on 5. July 2012, 15:03) | 81 | 93 %
| Falltüren (2) by BFaw (solved on 4. July 2012, 10:13) | 45 | 88 %
| U-Bahn unter Hochhäusern (Teil 2) by Zzzyxas (solved on 2. July 2012, 15:11) | 97 | 92 %
| Distanzpfeile (4) by BFaw (solved on 2. July 2012, 09:19) | 37 | 90 %
| Galaxien by zhergan (solved on 2. July 2012, 07:14) | 123 | 82 %
| Familienfreizeit: ABCtje Familie Albers by CHalb (solved on 2. July 2012, 07:11) | 73 | 85 %
| Sudoku: Im Schatten der 6 - Knapp daneben by CHalb (solved on 1. July 2012, 18:32) | 114 | 82 %
| Juni Domino Monat (2) - Hochhausdomino by Richard (solved on 1. July 2012, 18:24) | 51 | 96 %
| Zeltplatz Sudoku by surbier (solved on 1. July 2012, 10:47) | 95 | 75 %
| Chaos Sudoku with Renban Groups IV by zhergan (solved on 1. July 2012, 09:51) | 71 | 91 %
| Blackout Domino by Richard (solved on 27. June 2012, 07:10) | 79 | 92 %
| Rösselsprung-Distanz Sudoku II by surbier (solved on 26. June 2012, 09:19) | 66 | 79 %
| Für Modesty zum Geburtstag: MODESTY-Kropki by CHalb (solved on 26. June 2012, 08:54) | 70 | 85 %