| Description | solved | Rating
| Hochhäuser mit Portalen by Errorandy (solved on 19. June 2013, 17:19) | 89 | 90 %
| Kleinsche Magnet-Flasche by ibag (solved on 19. June 2013, 17:17) | 64 | 94 %
| Berni the Brein (Krypto-Hochhausblöcke) by CHalb (solved on 19. June 2013, 12:58) | 73 | 94 %
| Rundweg auf der Kleinschen Flasche by flooser (solved on 17. June 2013, 14:35) | 54 | 91 %
| Little killer sudoku by Fred76 (solved on 17. June 2013, 10:43) | 113 | 94 %
| June Pentomino Month (2) - White Pentominos by Richard (solved on 14. June 2013, 19:17) | 107 | 88 %
| Familienfreizeit 2013: Pentominozerlegung by CHalb (solved on 14. June 2013, 18:13) | 63 | 70 %
| Familienfreizeit 2013: U-Bahn by CHalb (solved on 12. June 2013, 22:05) | 63 | 90 %
| U-Bahn unter Hochhäusern (Teil 8) by Zzzyxas (solved on 11. June 2013, 14:37) | 59 | 97 %
| U-Bahn unter Hochhäusern (Teil 6) by Zzzyxas (solved on 10. June 2013, 21:26) | 78 | 91 %
| November Stadtbau Monat (3) - Masyu by Richard (solved on 10. June 2013, 10:48) | 82 | 85 %
| Starbattle Sudoku by RobertBe (solved on 10. June 2013, 10:01) | 66 | 88 %
| Rund und eckig I by Luigi (solved on 10. June 2013, 09:59) | 37 | 77 %
| Familienfreizeit 2013: Koralle mit Füßen und Zehen by CHalb (solved on 7. June 2013, 17:04) | 99 | 87 %
| Familienfreizeit 2013: Krypto-Rundweg mit Silas by CHalb (solved on 7. June 2013, 17:03) | 111 | 79 %
| Rätselwochenende 2013: Wortschlangen by Realshaggy (solved on 7. June 2013, 10:49) | 66 | 86 %
| Magnet-Torus by ibag (solved on 6. June 2013, 13:43) | 73 | 92 %
| Es sind doch nur Farben by Luigi (solved on 5. June 2013, 09:25) | 62 | 69 %
| 24 Ways to survive a Dutch Advent (11): Star battle Sudoku by Eisbär (solved on 4. June 2013, 15:02) | 95 | 84 %
| Hex Masyu with Branching by kiwijam (solved on 4. June 2013, 09:29) | 61 | 96 %