| Description | solved | Rating
| Hybrid Sudoku with Renban Groups VII (Anti-Knight, Non-Consecutive, Non-Touching) by zhergan (solved on 3. January 2015, 10:36) | 100 | 86 %
| Rätselwochenende: Table for Four - Battleship by uvo (solved on 3. January 2015, 08:15) | 39 | 94 %
| Mathrax (3) by Richard (solved on 2. January 2015, 08:47) | 86 | 88 %
| So oder so: 123-Blöcke by CHalb (solved on 2. January 2015, 07:59) | 38 | 88 %
| kleine Neujahrs-Studie: Angler 2015 by lupo (solved on 2. January 2015, 07:54) | 97 | 77 %
| LM 2014-Überbleibsel: ABCtje by Realshaggy (solved on 2. January 2015, 07:51) | 93 | 83 %
| Table for Four - Paint it Black Tetrominos by uvo (solved on 2. January 2015, 07:46) | 39 | 94 %
| Rätselwochenende: Table for Four - Paint it Black Tetrominos by uvo (solved on 2. January 2015, 07:43) | 40 | 93 %
| Für Berni zum Geburtstag: "Rundwegvariation" by lupo (solved on 2. January 2015, 07:39) | 77 | 78 %
| kleine Silvester-Studie: Schiffe 2014 by lupo (solved on 1. January 2015, 13:55) | 58 | 86 %
| wolpertinger by fridgrer (solved on 1. January 2015, 13:18) | 49 | 60 %
| Sudoku Variants Series (057) - All Odd / Even by Richard (solved on 1. January 2015, 09:36) | 160 | 82 %
| LITS 4 by usp (solved on 26. December 2014, 11:08) | 90 | 80 %
| scissors by fridgrer (solved on 26. December 2014, 11:06) | 32 | 77 %
| Ausnehmen & Bridieren: Masyu by Senor Dingdong (solved on 26. December 2014, 10:59) | 43 | 93 %
| . by fridgrer (solved on 25. December 2014, 21:38) | 26 | 77 %
| Double Dutch Sudoku Advent (22) - Consecutive vs. Coast to Coast by Eisbär (solved on 25. December 2014, 12:34) | 105 | 91 %
| Double Dutch Sudoku Advent (21) - Consecutive vs. Slot Machine by Richard (solved on 25. December 2014, 10:37) | 99 | 87 %
| Double Dutch Sudoku Advent (23) - Palindrome vs. Coast to Coast by Richard (solved on 25. December 2014, 10:36) | 107 | 91 %
| Double Dutch Sudoku Advent (24) - Palindrome vs. Rossini by Eisbär (solved on 25. December 2014, 10:34) | 105 | 94 %