| Description | solved | Rating
| Disjoint Groups Little Killer by Gliperal (solved on 20. October 2021, 07:51) | 19 | 88 %
| Crossbeams (Little Killer) by Gliperal (solved on 20. October 2021, 06:59) | 21 | 98 %
| Factor Attractor (Ratio Sudoku) by Volatility (solved on 20. October 2021, 06:32) | 45 | 96 %
| Hochhausblöcke 0 bis 5 by pin7guin (solved on 19. October 2021, 15:24) | 53 | 95 %
| Arrow Galore by SudokuExplorer (solved on 19. October 2021, 14:01) | 38 | 98 %
| John by JoWovrin (solved on 19. October 2021, 13:37) | 8 | N/A
| The Red and the Black (Anti-King Arrow) by tallcat (solved on 19. October 2021, 08:46) | 44 | 92 %
| Zodiac-Killer VI : Virgo by Eisbär (solved on 19. October 2021, 07:22) | 61 | 96 %
| Sudoku Variant (Hidden Skyscrapers) by ahaupt (solved on 18. October 2021, 14:31) | 62 | 95 %
| Thermometer-Hochhäuser, 8x8 by pirx (solved on 18. October 2021, 13:45) | 61 | 95 %
| Thermometer-Hochhäuser, 7x7 by pirx (solved on 18. October 2021, 13:08) | 71 | 95 %
| Thermometer-Hochhäuser, 6x6 by pirx (solved on 18. October 2021, 12:28) | 79 | 92 %
| Little Killer Between Sudoku by SudokuExplorer (solved on 18. October 2021, 09:27) | 34 | 96 %
| (eins, funf, neun) by twototenth (solved on 18. October 2021, 08:25) | 65 | 94 %
| Slices by Joseph nehme (solved on 18. October 2021, 06:47) | 45 | 96 %
| Crossed by KNT (solved on 18. October 2021, 05:28) | 39 | 89 %
| Baba is Anti-Knight by FryTheGuy (solved on 18. October 2021, 04:56) | 38 | 98 %
| Off by 1 (8 isn't 8) by djorr (solved on 18. October 2021, 04:23) | 22 | 91 %
| Tumbleweeds by djorr (solved on 18. October 2021, 01:37) | 17 | 97 %
| Optimization by djorr (solved on 17. October 2021, 23:14) | 19 | 97 %