| Description | solved | Rating
| Mein erstes Tapa by CJK (solved on 9. July 2023, 01:26) | 146 | 86 %
| Tag 11 - Tapa by CJK (solved on 9. July 2023, 01:23) | 125 | 80 %
| 9x9 Vanilla Tapa by athin (solved on 9. July 2023, 01:15) | 83 | 79 %
| LM-Übungsrätsel: Hexagonales Tapa by CJK (solved on 9. July 2023, 01:08) | 196 | 85 %
| Two Thermo Snack by Die Hard (solved on 9. July 2023, 01:05) | 289 | 90 %
| Needlepoint 120 by Will Power (solved on 9. July 2023, 01:00) | 84 | 92 %
| Magical Berlin by farodin64 (solved on 9. July 2023, 00:30) | 182 | 88 %
| Pocket Aquatic Marmalade by heliopolix (solved on 9. July 2023, 00:11) | 196 | 88 %
| Close Enough by jwsinclair (solved on 8. July 2023, 23:43) | 71 | 88 %
| Oops Every Rule by jwsinclair (solved on 8. July 2023, 20:56) | 118 | 91 %
| Thirty-Five by jwsinclair (solved on 8. July 2023, 20:16) | 135 | 79 %
| Whisper the Vowels by shinggaming (solved on 8. July 2023, 19:35) | 239 | 91 %
| X Killers by Cascon (solved on 8. July 2023, 19:10) | 266 | 91 %
| The Kitchen Sink by shinggaming (solved on 8. July 2023, 18:26) | 234 | 92 %
| A Night at the Theatre by NIGHTCRAULER (solved on 8. July 2023, 17:53) | 310 | 92 %
| Icicles by Tingo (solved on 8. July 2023, 17:31) | 358 | 92 %
| July 13th by shinggaming (solved on 8. July 2023, 17:02) | 123 | 93 %
| Entropic Tree by Dathan (solved on 8. July 2023, 16:37) | 591 | 93 %
| Queue hunting (Numbered Thermos) by dumediat (solved on 8. July 2023, 16:17) | 180 | 94 %
| How the Turntables... by shinggaming (solved on 8. July 2023, 16:00) | 268 | 93 %