| Description | solved | Rating
| Thermo Killer 123 by Quarterthru (solved on 26. January 2021, 05:12) | 96 | 86 %
| Magic Colors by andreasv (solved on 26. January 2021, 04:40) | 114 | 88 %
| Omnidirectional by KarasuGamma (solved on 26. January 2021, 01:39) | 61 | 82 %
| Happy Birthday by Fosapifi (solved on 25. January 2021, 19:17) | 57 | 76 %
| Anti-Knight Anti-King Magic Square by Ryx (solved on 25. January 2021, 06:07) | 62 | 62 %
| Shot Pointer by Fedo (solved on 24. January 2021, 05:52) | 81 | 83 %
| Connect The Dits by Undar_Beyond (solved on 24. January 2021, 05:27) | 47 | 86 %
| Hot & Cold by TotallyNormalCat (solved on 23. January 2021, 19:11) | 86 | 91 %
| Triangular Cages Killer Sudoku (Dreieckszahl) by Jviscus (solved on 23. January 2021, 05:17) | 10 | N/A
| Little Crab by Orpheus (solved on 22. January 2021, 20:05) | 123 | 84 %
| Number by Colors by andreasv (solved on 22. January 2021, 19:46) | 66 | 84 %
| Blackjack by apiyo (solved on 22. January 2021, 04:45) | 34 | 91 %
| Anti-Fortress Arrow Sudoku by Phistomefel (solved on 20. January 2021, 23:44) | 85 | 94 %
| Toroidal Dotless Kropki by LucyAudrin (solved on 20. January 2021, 23:03) | 47 | 79 %
| Phytology by EliasKar (solved on 20. January 2021, 22:16) | 42 | 91 %
| Magic Thermo Mayhem by Klomp (solved on 20. January 2021, 19:54) | 162 | 82 %
| DSM Qualitraining 2021: Irregular by glum_hippo (solved on 20. January 2021, 18:06) | 106 | 88 %
| X Palindrome by Lisztes (solved on 20. January 2021, 17:08) | 48 | 87 %
| Ode to CTC - Cracking the Cryptic by GremlinSA (solved on 20. January 2021, 16:21) | 100 | 81 %
| DSM Qualitraining 2021: Anti-Knight by glum_hippo (solved on 19. January 2021, 22:11) | 99 | 86 %