| Description | solved | Rating
 | Haus Romer, Frankfurt by Will Power (solved on 22. May 2022, 03:45) | 246 |  88 %
 | The Last Wish by wildhound007 (solved on 21. May 2022, 22:13) | 172 |  88 %
 | Little Thermonster by lost creativity (solved on 18. May 2022, 01:32) | 436 |  87 %
 | The Parker Temperature by EnPee (solved on 14. May 2022, 08:04) | 151 |  94 %
 | Up or down? by Anticommutator (solved on 3. May 2022, 00:58) | 165 |  84 %
 | Go Snakes! by tomate94 (solved on 23. April 2022, 15:54) | 32 |  90 %
 | Palindora's Box by Will Power (solved on 23. April 2022, 13:19) | 263 |  83 %
 | Dark Side of the Moon by JR_pianoman (solved on 4. April 2022, 02:17) | 142 |  87 %
 | Lines and Cages / Leinen und Käfige by PDN777 (solved on 27. March 2022, 14:55) | 219 |  88 %
 | Cornered by oklux (solved on 20. March 2022, 02:40) | 43 |  89 %
 | Rhyme or Reason? / Reim oder Vernunft? by PDN777 (solved on 15. March 2022, 00:42) | 256 |  91 %
 | New York Area Map by Will Power (solved on 6. March 2022, 09:56) | 157 |  88 %
 | Blank Slate by jwsinclair (solved on 4. March 2022, 00:38) | 347 |  93 %
 | Hop the River by jackisaacbryan (solved on 3. March 2022, 20:53) | 122 |  87 %
 | Kill or Be Killed? / Töten oder getötet werden? by PDN777 (solved on 2. March 2022, 23:27) | 200 |  89 %
 | Slightly Chaotic / Leicht chaotisch by PDN777 (solved on 2. March 2022, 20:44) | 176 |  87 %
 | Warming Killer Lines / Erwärmung der Killerlinien by PDN777 (solved on 6. February 2022, 07:55) | 241 |  88 %
 | Biking uphill by Testarossa (solved on 6. February 2022, 07:43) | 201 |  88 %
 | Crazy Bird by Ceedrich (solved on 31. January 2022, 02:48) | 139 |  85 %
 | Mounted Archery by Joseph nehme (solved on 31. January 2022, 02:24) | 70 |  90 %