| Description | solved | Rating
 | Double Skyscrapers 2 by rimodech (solved on 11. May 2013, 07:02) | 110 |  90 %
 | Yajilin by Richard (solved on 11. May 2013, 06:17) | 128 |  89 %
 | Kropki Windoku by Richard (solved on 9. March 2013, 22:12) | 141 |  90 %
 | Inselrätsel by berni (solved on 13. January 2013, 17:51) | 188 |  83 %
 | Knapp daneben - Rundweg by Calavera (solved on 13. January 2013, 16:35) | 52 |  91 %
 | Masyu mit Stolpersteinen by berni (solved on 13. January 2013, 16:13) | 159 |  92 %
 | Route II by Richard (solved on 12. January 2013, 23:25) | 185 |  87 %
 | Route I by Richard (solved on 12. January 2013, 23:19) | 253 |  77 %
 | Regional Yajilin II by Richard (solved on 12. January 2013, 23:17) | 153 |  86 %
 | Jubiläumsrätsel - 1 Jahr Rätselportal by Richard (solved on 12. January 2013, 20:11) | 113 |  96 %
 | Kropki Kakuro Total by Luigi (solved on 12. January 2013, 19:12) | 123 |  90 %
 | Kropkitis: Kropki-Kakuro by Pyrrhon (solved on 12. January 2013, 18:49) | 133 |  85 %
 | Jigsaw Sudokakuro by Richard (solved on 12. January 2013, 18:10) | 178 |  91 %
 | Wild West Kropki by Luigi (solved on 5. January 2013, 20:27) | 132 |  90 %
 | Qualitatives Tapa (TapaQ) by Semax (solved on 4. January 2013, 17:01) | 189 |  86 %
 | Tapa mit Steigerung by berni (solved on 4. January 2013, 06:02) | 172 |  95 %
 | 24 Ways to survive a Dutch Advent (24): Clone Sudoku by Richard (solved on 4. January 2013, 05:10) | 113 |  91 %
 | 24 Ways to survive a Dutch Advent (23): Domino Sudoku by Eisbär (solved on 4. January 2013, 04:27) | 90 |  90 %
 | 24 Ways to survive a Dutch Advent (22): Rhombus Sudoku by Richard (solved on 4. January 2013, 03:40) | 102 |  84 %
 | 24 Ways to survive a Dutch Advent (21): City construction Sudoku by Eisbär (solved on 4. January 2013, 03:00) | 105 |  87 %