| Description | solved | Rating
| XV Thermo by GremlinSA (solved on 20. April 2021, 19:00) | 146 | 79 %
| 10X Killer Thermos by GremlinSA (solved on 20. April 2021, 16:42) | 150 | 83 %
| The Unibrow by clayfanatic (solved on 20. April 2021, 14:56) | 104 | 82 %
| Novice Sudoku by Coraleei (solved on 20. April 2021, 13:12) | 167 | 74 %
| One and Half O'clock (Sudoku) by checkered_duck_dani (solved on 20. April 2021, 10:02) | 84 | 75 %
| Gentle Killers (little killer sudoku) by rodger (solved on 20. April 2021, 09:35) | 96 | 85 %
| Earthquake in Sudokutown #3 by PrimeWeasel (solved on 19. April 2021, 18:36) | 196 | 90 %
| Nines Multiplying by andreasv (solved on 19. April 2021, 15:11) | 178 | 78 %
| Multiple-Constraint Sudoku with Renban Groups by zhergan (solved on 18. April 2021, 10:47) | 195 | 90 %
| Apple by Lisztes (solved on 18. April 2021, 08:44) | 73 | 77 %
| Four Neighbor Sudoku01 by cdwg2000 (solved on 15. April 2021, 17:37) | 100 | 86 %
| Killer Quadruples by Lisztes (solved on 15. April 2021, 10:41) | 287 | 85 %
| Easter Themed Thermo Sudoku by raretypeoffox (solved on 15. April 2021, 07:11) | 141 | 82 %
| Tic Tac Toe by DragonKitty (solved on 14. April 2021, 07:52) | 85 | 77 %
| Dancing Koala by Wuffel (solved on 12. April 2021, 09:07) | 134 | 82 %
| Long Haul (Between Sudoku) by Tarnesh (solved on 11. April 2021, 14:05) | 128 | 81 %
| Quite Orderly by FracturedLace (solved on 11. April 2021, 10:50) | 218 | 86 %
| Yes it Does. Read the Rules. by Göran H (solved on 11. April 2021, 10:17) | 341 | 71 %
| 5V DC by Pr0gm4n (solved on 10. April 2021, 10:26) | 45 | 82 %
| Easy as 1,2,3 by Faineroxor (solved on 9. April 2021, 13:13) | 140 | 65 %