| Description | solved | Rating
 | Nine, Nine, Nine, Nine by Black_Doom (solved on 5. October 2024, 09:57) | 121 |  97 %
 | Off Killter by SkepticalMario (solved on 4. October 2024, 18:58) | 147 |  95 %
 | Dutch Killers 4 by ZeroNickel (solved on 3. October 2024, 15:37) | 24 |  88 %
 | Clues Aswirl by FullDeck-Missing (solved on 26. September 2024, 09:27) | 97 |  95 %
 | Imprisoned by Taeqle (solved on 25. September 2024, 17:23) | 67 |  88 %
 | A Hero Emerges by Joseph nehme (solved on 24. September 2024, 20:10) | 91 |  91 %
 | This or That - Killer Sudoku by Mr.Menace (solved on 23. September 2024, 00:08) | 60 |  92 %
 | Three Killer Knights by meggen033 (solved on 22. September 2024, 23:14) | 343 |  93 %
 | Triple Up by fuxia (solved on 4. September 2024, 22:16) | 143 |  95 %
 | Clumps by Wuschel (solved on 3. September 2024, 00:52) | 133 |  92 %
 | Think you can break in? (FOW) by antiknight (solved on 27. August 2024, 23:39) | 188 |  92 %
 | Knight's Caged Connections by brainteaserartisan (solved on 14. August 2024, 01:10) | 233 |  93 %
 | Uplift by fuxia (solved on 12. August 2024, 23:50) | 74 |  89 %
 | Viridian Dream by fuxia (solved on 12. August 2024, 00:30) | 87 |  93 %
 | Given Digits Galore by Phurba (solved on 11. August 2024, 23:30) | 27 |  88 %
 | Square Dance by Jay Dyer (solved on 5. August 2024, 13:15) | 74 |  95 %
 | "Little" Killer (6x6) by The Bard (solved on 30. July 2024, 00:23) | 373 |  91 %
 | Entanglement by Jay Dyer (solved on 29. July 2024, 17:49) | 230 |  97 %
 | Round Up the Usual Suspects by Will Power (solved on 11. July 2024, 18:18) | 312 |  92 %
 | Cross contamination by Sartor (solved on 2. July 2024, 20:00) | 41 |  91 %