| Description | solved | Rating
 | Killer in a cold cave by Lutterot (solved on 25. May 2023, 07:14) | 8 |  N/A
 | Wrogn Fogn by jwsinclair (solved on 22. May 2023, 16:37) | 424 |  95 %
 | Triss by Stoer (solved on 18. May 2023, 17:00) | 45 |  89 %
 | Limitless Potential #2: The Wanderer's Path by Playmaker6174 (solved on 13. May 2023, 03:43) | 22 |  95 %
 | Aquatic Marmalade by heliopolix (solved on 9. May 2023, 23:42) | 110 |  95 %
 | Unfriendly Neighbours by JMoat13 (solved on 6. May 2023, 15:08) | 36 |  92 %
 | Count me in ! [Deconstruction] by Christounet (solved on 10. April 2023, 15:04) | 80 |  95 %
 | Euler Knights by Raumplaner (solved on 7. April 2023, 21:05) | 38 |  95 %
 | Overheating [Thermo Deconstruction] by Christounet (solved on 31. March 2023, 18:48) | 153 |  95 %
 | Kuraban's Fog of War by kuraban (solved on 28. February 2023, 16:31) | 140 |  86 %
 | Fog of Chaos by lepton (solved on 27. February 2023, 22:59) | 178 |  92 %
 | Foghqwhgads by ThePedallingPianist (solved on 10. February 2023, 18:37) | 66 |  95 %
 | Assassins by MicroStudy (solved on 18. January 2023, 19:04) | 65 |  95 %
 | Entropy* by AParliamentofOwls (solved on 18. January 2023, 16:13) | 106 |  93 %
 | Vaulted Killers by Jay Dyer (solved on 15. January 2023, 19:10) | 114 |  95 %
 | Arrow Knight by ademjaz (solved on 1. January 2023, 18:36) | 72 |  96 %
 | ABCs by ExFalsoQuodlibet (solved on 29. December 2022, 16:24) | 67 |  93 %
 | Entropic Genetics by jcgodart (solved on 23. December 2022, 19:28) | 36 |  94 %
 | Ocular by Maxentius (solved on 20. December 2022, 21:02) | 25 |  93 %
 | The Mild Surprise by Abdul the Killer (solved on 20. December 2022, 18:24) | 90 |  92 %