| Description | solved | Rating
| Warm Up by CaptZebraCakes (solved on 4. November 2023, 17:49) | 711 | 91 %
| Foggy Outside by Flinty (solved on 3. November 2023, 16:16) | 735 | 92 %
| Parity Panic by Cablr (solved on 2. November 2023, 18:10) | 286 | 92 %
| Bad Wiring Diagram by Tingo (solved on 1. November 2023, 23:09) | 719 | 93 %
| Light Thru Double-Pane Glass by Will Power (solved on 29. October 2023, 09:21) | 555 | 91 %
| Blueberry Crop in the Fog by olima (solved on 28. October 2023, 22:53) | 608 | 91 %
| In the Dressing Room by Will Power (solved on 28. October 2023, 22:16) | 464 | 91 %
| Tingo's 50th! by Tingo (solved on 28. October 2023, 18:13) | 772 | 91 %
| Mitochondria by Scojo (solved on 28. October 2023, 16:00) | 881 | 90 %
| Thermometer Antlers by EFlatMinor (solved on 28. October 2023, 14:33) | 358 | 90 %
| Kropki Integration by Blobz (solved on 27. October 2023, 20:48) | 562 | 91 %
| Square Roots by Jobo (solved on 27. October 2023, 16:51) | 483 | 95 %
| High Rise Window Washer by Will Power (solved on 25. October 2023, 21:29) | 702 | 91 %
| Killer in the Dark by Flinty (solved on 25. October 2023, 20:02) | 602 | 90 %