| Description | solved | Rating
 | The Amazing World of Grkles by Playmaker6174 (solved on 1. November 2022, 22:34) | 30 |  95 %
 | Chaotic Sums by kuraban (solved on 27. October 2022, 23:17) | 78 |  97 %
 | The Angel, Islington by Pallando (solved on 26. October 2022, 18:08) | 88 |  88 %
 | ᗅᗺᗷᗅ - Mamma Mia (whispers + cipher + arrows sudoku) by Aspartagcus (solved on 25. October 2022, 02:34) | 58 |  89 %
 | Broken Glass by Bootenks (solved on 24. October 2022, 19:47) | 61 |  94 %
 | Sudoku Variants Series (389) - Heavy Arrows Sudoku by Richard (solved on 24. October 2022, 04:53) | 98 |  93 %
 | All 14 by Mad-Tyas (solved on 24. October 2022, 02:44) | 53 |  95 %
 | Wrogn Answers Only by jwsinclair (solved on 23. October 2022, 21:08) | 196 |  98 %
 | Kropkarrow by Celery (solved on 23. October 2022, 19:57) | 73 |  91 %