| Description | solved | Rating
| XV Marks The Spot by haligonian (solved on 20. July 2022, 06:51) | 116 | 85 %
| Deadly Little Magicians by eibafhcdg (solved on 19. July 2022, 06:56) | 110 | 79 %
| There's a Way Through... / Es gibt einen Weg hindurch... by PDN777 (solved on 17. July 2022, 08:42) | 173 | 93 %
| Floodplain by FKlauser (solved on 16. July 2022, 15:32) | 117 | 89 %
| 7 Day Forecast [Thermo Sudoku] by Malrog (solved on 13. July 2022, 07:26) | 143 | 87 %
| DDR by mathpesto (solved on 10. July 2022, 14:57) | 153 | 96 %
| Wheel Balancer (Reifenwuchtmaschine) by Will Power (solved on 10. July 2022, 10:43) | 255 | 91 %
| Wider Longer Tight Rope / Breiteres, längeres, enges Seil by PDN777 (solved on 10. July 2022, 09:49) | 187 | 94 %
| Blood by Joseph nehme (solved on 9. July 2022, 14:47) | 208 | 96 %
| Wisdom (Killer Sudoku X) - feat. clover by purpl (solved on 8. July 2022, 08:47) | 130 | 97 %
| 5x5 Snack by troptot (solved on 6. July 2022, 13:00) | 142 | 86 %
| Oddmometer #1 (4x4) by Euphoric Colors (solved on 5. July 2022, 10:56) | 820 | 69 %
| Odd One Out (4x4) by kikanya (solved on 5. July 2022, 09:03) | 409 | 77 %
| Dancing Robot / Tanzender Roboter by PDN777 (solved on 4. July 2022, 07:48) | 188 | 92 %
| Creative Title 2.0 by Schwupel (solved on 3. July 2022, 19:37) | 84 | 93 %
| Arrow Sudoku pointing to thermos by cdwg2000 (solved on 2. July 2022, 13:03) | 131 | 86 %
| Lasso Roundup by rockratzero (solved on 29. June 2022, 20:47) | 153 | 96 %
| Mad Scientist's Fabric Box by Skunkworks (solved on 28. June 2022, 18:19) | 168 | 95 %
| Kermit the Frog by Will Power (solved on 28. June 2022, 17:48) | 218 | 90 %
| Bootid Meteor Shower by manushand (solved on 28. June 2022, 15:54) | 251 | 90 %