| Description | solved | Rating
| Disjointed Kropki by Aagaard (solved on 14. June 2021, 21:51) | 87 | 88 %
| Gaps by Genie64 (solved on 14. June 2021, 06:22) | 109 | 84 %
| Counting Arrows by wade_23 (solved on 13. June 2021, 16:47) | 69 | 90 %
| Behind Enemy Lines by Leyrann (solved on 12. June 2021, 19:30) | 69 | 93 %
| Nat King Cold by djorr (solved on 12. June 2021, 16:36) | 64 | 85 %
| Little Killer Windoku by Phistomefel (solved on 11. June 2021, 12:11) | 220 | 91 %
| Arrow Quadruples Sudoku by magno (solved on 11. June 2021, 11:40) | 189 | 79 %
| Dendrites by SSG (solved on 11. June 2021, 11:00) | 143 | 89 %
| Thermoforest Pathway (6x6) by Nordy (solved on 11. June 2021, 10:17) | 57 | 79 %
| Dr. Finkelstein (6x6 killer + thermometer + palindrome sudoku) by Aspartagcus (solved on 11. June 2021, 07:07) | 83 | 79 %
| A Row of Busy Ants by filimo (solved on 9. June 2021, 07:30) | 181 | 74 %
| Kripke Thermo Sudoku by Steve360 (solved on 7. June 2021, 23:07) | 57 | 87 %
| The Odd Job by NickTheGreek (solved on 7. June 2021, 21:13) | 74 | 88 %
| Don't Touch That Dial! by twototenth (solved on 7. June 2021, 09:48) | 28 | 81 %
| Thermo variant #2: Accelero-meter by djorr (solved on 7. June 2021, 08:29) | 143 | 89 %
| Is it Odd? to be a thermo? by FollowerOJ (solved on 6. June 2021, 16:58) | 110 | 67 %
| X-Sum little killer by Joseph nehme (solved on 6. June 2021, 16:31) | 88 | 87 %
| Killer Clones by Joseph nehme (solved on 6. June 2021, 16:06) | 109 | 81 %
| It's getting hot in here by Joseph nehme (solved on 6. June 2021, 15:33) | 109 | 95 %
| V X K (Sudoku) by PDN777 (solved on 6. June 2021, 11:38) | 264 | 82 %