| Description | solved | Rating
| Christiane - Kryptosudoku by Johannes Quack (solved on 18. March 2021, 17:39) | 13 | 77 %
| Halberstadt by Johannes Quack (solved on 18. March 2021, 14:41) | 10 | N/A
| SPION-AGENT-KUNDSCHAFTER Buchstabenrätsel by DocLogic (solved on 16. March 2021, 16:38) | 36 | 97 %
| Octo Nr. 5 by DocLogic (solved on 15. March 2021, 18:00) | 38 | 85 %
| LM Sudoku Nr. 1 by DocLogic (solved on 15. March 2021, 16:32) | 76 | 91 %
| Octo Nr. 4 by DocLogic (solved on 15. March 2021, 14:39) | 41 | 90 %
| Pilsarten/Hortensia - Kryptosudoku by Johannes Quack (solved on 15. March 2021, 10:37) | 9 | N/A
| SUPER - Becher-Rätsel / Cup Puzzle by DocLogic (solved on 14. March 2021, 13:44) | 66 | 88 %
| Octo Nr. 3 by DocLogic (solved on 13. March 2021, 15:39) | 53 | 84 %
| LOGIK - Becher-Rätsel / Cup Puzzle by DocLogic (solved on 12. March 2021, 18:18) | 69 | 92 %
| Octo Nr. 2 by DocLogic (solved on 12. March 2021, 15:04) | 62 | 84 %
| Thermo Snake - Happy 17th Birthday by DocLogic (solved on 11. March 2021, 17:11) | 144 | 87 %
| In the Zoo by Qodec (solved on 10. March 2021, 17:48) | 46 | 90 %
| SUDOKY ??? by DocLogic (solved on 8. March 2021, 20:17) | 53 | 91 %
| MAGIE - Becher-Rätsel / Cup Puzzle by DocLogic (solved on 20. February 2021, 17:09) | 60 | 93 %
| Bagels by PrimeWeasel (solved on 18. February 2021, 17:34) | 58 | 87 %
| Octo Nr. 1 by DocLogic (solved on 17. February 2021, 12:36) | 74 | 84 %
| Tridoku Experience by DocLogic (solved on 17. February 2021, 11:36) | 43 | 86 %
| Nine Kings by Qodec (solved on 10. February 2021, 17:07) | 81 | 94 %
| FREIHEITSSTATUE - Statue of Liberty by DocLogic (solved on 8. February 2021, 21:09) | 35 | 86 %