| Description | solved | Rating
 | Zelda Triforce by ccotreau (solved on 22. January 2022, 13:27) | 144 |  89 %
 | Conveyor Belt by Will Power (solved on 21. January 2022, 23:38) | 168 |  85 %
 | Blackbird by riffclown (solved on 21. January 2022, 23:07) | 48 |  84 %
 | Pointers by Amuhn (solved on 21. January 2022, 22:09) | 67 |  89 %
 | Symmetric Shower by manushand (solved on 21. January 2022, 20:33) | 95 |  92 %
 | Queen's Gambit by Will Power (solved on 21. January 2022, 19:48) | 218 |  85 %
 | 16 Vs and 2 -->s by JTDUNX (solved on 21. January 2022, 00:31) | 339 |  78 %
 | Siren, Octal, Dumpy by wooferzfg (solved on 21. January 2022, 00:23) | 144 |  89 %
 | Lunchtime by djorr (solved on 20. January 2022, 23:30) | 110 |  88 %
 | Knights are Pals / Ritter sind Kumpel (Sudoku) by PDN777 (solved on 15. January 2022, 12:43) | 211 |  88 %
 | Pink Pineapple (Renban XV) by purpl (solved on 15. January 2022, 01:30) | 112 |  92 %
 | Sum Lines / Summenzeilen by PDN777 (solved on 14. January 2022, 02:16) | 121 |  90 %
 | Salt and Pepper // Salz und Pfeffer by FullDeck-Missing (solved on 14. January 2022, 01:37) | 523 |  89 %
 | Category 6 / Kategorie 6 by FullDeck-Missing (solved on 14. January 2022, 01:22) | 138 |  85 %
 | Exvee by vidarino (solved on 12. January 2022, 02:26) | 178 |  88 %
 | Primrose by Will Power (solved on 12. January 2022, 01:58) | 203 |  85 %
 | One Way Signs (Einbahnstraßenschilder) by Will Power (solved on 12. January 2022, 01:43) | 81 |  83 %
 | 14 15 by lerroyy (solved on 12. January 2022, 00:24) | 150 |  86 %
 | Difference Camps by Scruffamudda (solved on 11. January 2022, 23:01) | 129 |  90 %
 | Multi-variant Sudoku - Oh by DiMono (solved on 11. January 2022, 19:53) | 63 |  91 %