| Description | solved | Rating
 | A Primer for Disjoint Groups (Sudoku) by PDN777 (solved on 6. September 2021, 22:44) | 140 |  84 %
 | Crossfire Hurricane by SSG (solved on 6. September 2021, 02:04) | 225 |  76 %
 | One Direction by manushand (solved on 14. August 2021, 23:23) | 129 |  84 %
 | Geaux Tigers by e7odie (solved on 13. August 2021, 06:43) | 88 |  63 %
 | Parity Arrows (Sudoku) by PDN777 (solved on 13. August 2021, 05:46) | 143 |  81 %
 | DUNE (Thermometer sudoku) by Aspartagcus (solved on 5. August 2021, 02:18) | 215 |  87 %
 | Messy Hot Sandwich by Fire Ice (solved on 24. July 2021, 18:01) | 90 |  59 %
 | Aquaman by Bremster (solved on 24. July 2021, 00:01) | 215 |  82 %
 | Hashtag Kropki XV by XeonRisq (solved on 23. July 2021, 19:28) | 192 |  79 %
 | PalinClones (Sudoku) by PDN777 (solved on 23. July 2021, 18:33) | 184 |  87 %
 | Get Your Shots (thermo) by Bremster (solved on 9. July 2021, 12:01) | 205 |  81 %
 | CrazyCompass by DrunkenSailor (solved on 28. June 2021, 17:02) | 148 |  83 %
 | Cthulhu Fhtagn by Saryk (solved on 18. June 2021, 16:55) | 77 |  83 %
 | Anti-XV Cages by VykkDraygo (solved on 16. June 2021, 01:59) | 148 |  78 %
 | Parity on line by PrimeWeasel (solved on 15. June 2021, 22:48) | 133 |  87 %
 | A Row of Busy Ants by filimo (solved on 10. June 2021, 19:31) | 184 |  74 %
 | Permutations (Thermo Sudoku) by Agent (solved on 7. June 2021, 23:42) | 249 |  73 %
 | Pipemare: Onboarding by MattWCompton (solved on 6. June 2021, 19:24) | 229 |  92 %
 | Is it Odd? to be a thermo? by FollowerOJ (solved on 6. June 2021, 18:33) | 113 |  66 %
 | * killer sudoku * by Steve360 (solved on 6. June 2021, 17:06) | 95 |  76 %